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I've been playing FM and its iterations now for a number of years and while I have certainly struggled more in recent years to play this game, I think Football Manager 2019 may finally be the one that beats me. I genuinely don't know what I'm doing anymore.
The thing I think that is confusing me most is the style presets. Essentially, I don't know if I should be choosing one of the styles such as Tiki Taka etc and sticking to the recommended positions or whether I should be altering them to suit my team. More importantly, I am worried IF I start to tinker with the position roles, am I then slowly losing the tactic that was created for me. I.e. can I still play Tiki Taka if I decide I want an Advanced Forward rather than a Deep Lying Forward for example. Equally as important and baffling, I figure the moment I go into the settings and start altering the match tactics, then I am effectively going against the style I selected in the first point. Is that the point? How can I still be playing Tiki Taka if I change it? Does that make sense to you?
ANYWAY, I am totally flummoxed and now realising I know very little about how to properly balance a team. I even got sacked as Chelsea Manager in September which has got to be some sort of a record. If you guys can provide me with any tips that might help to enlighten me in this crazy journal, that would be great.
Thanks so much!
Matt Mindham
I know where you are coming from. You can, if you wish, go back the 'old way' of building a tactic. There is an option to start from scratch.
The presets are simply 'rough guide' with suggested roles and duties, TIs etc.You can tweak and adjust as much as you like - just as you always did. The suggestions are for those who like to play a certain way, it sounds like you are like me and prefer to build something with the players at your disposal.
I have had some success on the Demo with the presets, but changed Anchor Man to BWM, PF to AF up front. It's square pegs and round holes - if the preset doesn't fit your players then it needs changing.
I struggled with similar when the green Familiarity discs came in, took me nearly a whole year of trying to make sure the discs were all green for everyone before realizing it didn't really matter. The players play according to their attributes/mentality/morale/Traits along with your TIs and PIs.
I think what Matt was getting at (if it's the same thing I took a while getting used to) it's that the discs don't need to be entirely fully-filled in bright green. Anything that isn't orange or red generally seems - in my experience - to mean the player is comfortable in that role and will do a job. I also tend to look at how changing the role affects his star rating - if it brings it way down it's probably not a good idea and might be worth picking someone else who's more familiar with what you're asking of them.
arthur morgan