arthur morgan
6 years ago
1 year ago
I put the last part in CAPS because knowing my luck when it comes to asking things about FM in forums, people would probably just tell me its in the steam store under tools yada yada yada. I want to know where to find it while IN GAME please? I have been playing FM 2017 for the last 2 years and the in game editor was always on the right of the screen but on FM 19 i cant find it anywhere? Its installed from steam and the box that prevents its use has not been ticked so where do i find it? thanks.
14 years ago
4 hours ago
Have you closed the game and exited steam (then restarted) before trying to view it.
arthur morgan
6 years ago
1 year ago
No offence but could you just tell me where its supposed to be located if you know?
14 years ago
4 hours ago
No offence but could you just tell me where its supposed to be located if you know?

I've never used it so wouldn't know in afraid, is your current save set to not use the in game editor as that may be stopping it showing?
arthur morgan
6 years ago
1 year ago
No offence again but if you you dont know the answer could you not reply to it? when i see that someone has made a comment it gets my hopes up that they have an answer. I have googled it many times but it always comes back with the same result, its in steam under tools, but i KNOW that. Its a very annoying thing to happen when my question is so simple. Dont make it more frustrating by answering when you dont even know the answer. Thanx
arthur morgan
6 years ago
1 year ago
I figured out how to d it, n thanks to you =] lol thankx
14 years ago
4 hours ago
I figured out how to d it, n thanks to you =] lol thankx

Can I ask what the problem was in case someone has the same think happen.

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