The main download link with always be kept up to date with any updates applied, if you have already downloaded the main pack then there are links for individual updates available below.
The pack contains 4382 images of which the majority are 800x480px
Extract to; my documents/sports interactive/football manager 2020/graphics
The pictures in this pack will show up on the club info screen. They will also show up behind news items, in the fixture list and on each stadiums individual profile page on some skins.
The pack isn't compatible with the default skin in the full version of the game..
20.1 - Download 155 images taking the number of images in the pack up to 4382.
The pack contains 4382 images of which the majority are 800x480px
Extract to; my documents/sports interactive/football manager 2020/graphics
The pictures in this pack will show up on the club info screen. They will also show up behind news items, in the fixture list and on each stadiums individual profile page on some skins.
The pack isn't compatible with the default skin in the full version of the game..
20.1 - Download 155 images taking the number of images in the pack up to 4382.
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Top work m8
i'm having the same problem, doesn't work with any skin for me, tried everything on preferences.
Try clearing the cache in the in-game interface preferences and reloading the skin
If that doesn't work can you take some screenshots of the club overview page, of your in-game preferences and the graphics folder for me to see. It'll hopefully give me a better idea of where you're going wrong.
I feel like i have basically tried everything i can, had it on 85%, 95%, 100%, had ID's ticked on and off, side bars on and off.
had no problems with fm18 although i am pretty sure you could use the standard skin then.
if you can spot anything i'm going wrong with that would be great!
I must have about 10 different skins and none of them work, its really odd. been having this problem since the day fm19 was out and it is so frustrating.
there's a config file in the pack, don't have any other backgrounds or stadium packs that could clash with it so i have no clue either.
Well your graphics folder is a bit of a mess.... Try organizing it bye making folders for kits, faces, logos, stadiums etc. within the graphics folder and then moving any folder into their appropriate folder. then remove anything that is not suppose to be in the graphis folder. I see a couple of rar. folders and a config that needs to be deleted or put in a folder with whatever it belongs with. the fmf files would I put in a folder called "editor files". Then the only way to check it is to move anything other that the fmt stadium pack away from the graphics folder. If it then not shows the problem is within the fmt folder and you should try downloading it again. If it does show you can begin moving folders back in to the graphics folder again one by one (that's the reason for sorting the folders). then when you come across whatever is causing the problem you need to investigate exactly what sub folder is causing it and look at the config in that folder. I know It is a time consuming process. But the fmt stadium pack does work, so it is probably a config conflict with one of your other folders.
the last thing I can think of is this. Anything you put in your skin folder takes precedence of what is in your graphics folder. So try using flut skin and put the fmt stadium pack inside the flut skin folder. I think there is a grapics folder within the flut skin (or put it anywhere inside the flut skin folder that makes sense to you... as long as you can remember it
My graphics folder is a complete mess, you're right! haha.
all sorted though dude, i must of had an old config file from a previous stadium pack, my own stupidity.
strangely that is the first time its worked at all but hey ho
thanks for your time, appreciate it!
353 New or Improved Images
Extract to: my documents/sportsinteractive/football manager 2019/graphics and hit yes to replace all. Alternatively extract to desktop and move the contents of the folder in to your superpack folder.
Question tho: how do you get these two images to show at the same time in the stadium overview pannel? I can only manage to get one, either this pack or the 3d stadium pack
The 3d pack is set up to show in several places including the same place as this pack so you need to make sure the game reads the config file for this pack first. The game appears to read each folder within the graphics folder by alphabetical order so make sure this pack appears in your graphics folder first or do what Qvordrup mentioned a few posts up and put this pack in the graphics folder of the skin so that it takes precedence over the 3d pack config file.
Thank you, Ill try that. But now I've found a skin that doesnt support 2 images in the stadium screen so I dont know if Ill come back to FLUT, thank you