5 years ago
5 years ago
I understand the issue of not getting licenses from Brazilian teams, but not selling the game to us is disrespectful.

We would not stop buying the game because of this, because there are many producers of content for fans for free.

And I like to have my games officially, but attitudes like this stimulate piracy in my country, which makes me ashamed.

We would like developer Sports Interactive to think a little more about its players / consumers.

10 years ago
17 hours ago
I'm not familiar with this issue, but if SI are the problem, it would probably have a higher change of reaching them over at their forum.
Tommy Hughes
12 years ago
20 hours ago
I understand the issue of not getting licenses from Brazilian teams, but not selling the game to us is disrespectful.

We would not stop buying the game because of this, because there are many producers of content for fans for free.

And I like to have my games officially, but attitudes like this stimulate piracy in my country, which makes me ashamed.

We would like developer Sports Interactive to think a little more about its players / consumers.


I feel you, I really do.
I don't know the reason why they cannot sell the game in Brazil, but I'm sure they (Sports Interactive & SEGA) gladly would, because they would surely welcome the money gained for selling the game to Brazilians. And to think Brazil of all footballing countries is denied this specific Football game?! It sounds just awful, but like I said, I don't know the reasons behind it.

Do you know if this is the first Football Manager game that isn't available in Brazil or have there been any others like this before?

Anyway, hopefully things will change - and hopefully very soon.

You have my sympathy and best wishes, mate!
6 years ago
3 years ago
Football fans in Brazil don't deserve this situation. But just like @Tommy Hughes said, I'm sure they would sell it if they could, because the selling numbers and the money gathered would be much higher. There must be a completely prohibitive reason for them to adopt such drastic measure.

I'm sorry mate. It just sucks.
11 years ago
10 months ago
The Football Manager twitter replied to a tweet about this on 7 October, stating: "For licensing reasons we aren’t able to I’m afraid". Miles Jacobson kinda confirmed it is/was to do with club licensing back in 2016 here. It's strange, and unfair.
5 years ago
5 years ago
I just found out that I can get a friend's steam game as a gift, I'm going to talk to some of my acquaintances who live outside to send me as a gift. Not the best solution but I prefer piracy. Thank you friend and sorry for the outburst.

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