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Emailed footygamernetwork@gmail.com twice about this, but without a reply, here we are
I got an email from sortitoutsi on September 28th, probably like most of us here, with the header FM 2021 - Ignore the Steam 10% discount - sortitoutsi.net has a 25% discount - Pre Order Football Manager 2021 This Week. I have been waiting for this email for a while, and it didn't take a lot for me to click the button saying Pre Order FM 2021. I did all the check out flow, only to realise, that the link that was on the email was this one.
Which means, I spent around €45 on a game I already own. While I take my part of the responsibility, I also think there is something to be said regarding the wrong link...
I don't need any reimbursement, just for this value to be credited on FM2021, and whatever's left for my sortitoutsi Premium Membership.
Needless to say, I did not use the Steam code sent over, and I do not intend to do so, so maybe it can be revoked?
Looking forward to your help!
Sorted now