12 years ago
4 years ago
Greetings from the Czech Republic!

My game is plagued by a minor inconvenience that I hope I’ll be able to solve with your help. I’m currently playing Czech lower leagues (all the way up to the 5th) using Tenshih’s improved database. I was able to advance Český Těšín from the 5th to the 4th during which the club’s status climbed from „amateur“ to „semi-professional“. Usually, when you reach the semi-pro status, you’re granted the ability to close part-time deals and the players loose the ability to to get easily dragged off by another club for free. This time, however… While offering a deal, the option to choose the type of contract is greyed-out even though it’s working properly with other semi-pro clubs. For more, see the screenshots down below. I’d also like to point out that the other – properly functioning – clubs have the same reputation, background, and so on… I was also able to get the regular income of 2400 pounds. Any ideas as to what’s happening here?

My club Český Těšín – I’m not able offer any contract to the player

Club Frenštát - same divison, same reputaion, able to offer the same player...

I'll be more than happy to hear out any suggestions as to how to solve the problem -- including those using real-time editor since I'm using it anyway.

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