DF11 Player Faces Megapack
The DF11 Player Faces Megapack is one of the most popular FM Facepacks for Football Manager. It contains thousands of new and improved player faces for Football Manager all with a unique bordered design completely different to the original cut out faces that come with Football Manager by default.
- 226,114
- 2025.03 - Released on 15 Nov 2024

Version 2016.02 - Football Manager DF11 Player Faces Megapack Megapack
You are looking at Version 2016.02 of the Football Manager DF11 Player Faces Megapack Megapack.
Date Released | 02 Dec 2015 13:53:57 | |
Changes File | 1,259 Images | 120.59 MiB |
Complete File | 79,377 Images | 7.66 GiB |
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