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#503226 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 (few level 9-10) SS'2019/20 Relink! (25/06/20)
dan Blanchard
ah brilliant! Northern Premier league is where my team play, so id probably say there
#503205 England - English Leagues Level 7-8 (few level 9-10) SS'2019/20 Relink! (25/06/20)
dan Blanchard
#466742 Some kits not working? SSKCC19.3.5 v0.5 for SS'2018/19 kits on FM19 only (01/09/19)
dan Blanchard
I finally managed sort it mate cheers
#466665 Some kits not working? SSKCC19.3.5 v0.5 for SS'2018/19 kits on FM19 only (01/09/19)
dan Blanchard
Yeh i've downloaded your level 9 2d and 3d packs successfully sorry, just don't know how to add the Whitchurch 3D kits and Whitchurch away 2D with sponsor to the game after watching a you tube vid on how to do so. sorry i'm not very technical when it comes to computers lol
#466660 Some kits not working? SSKCC19.3.5 v0.5 for SS'2018/19 kits on FM19 only (01/09/19)
dan Blanchard
I couldn't do it mate, I tried following the step by step guide on you tube but still couldn't get what he was saying lol
#466644 Some kits not working? SSKCC19.3.5 v0.5 for SS'2018/19 kits on FM19 only (01/09/19)
dan Blanchard
#466582 England - English League Level 7/8 3D'2018/19 Relink! (19/03/19)
dan Blanchard