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#521510 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Home - https://www.footyheadlines.com/2020/01/tottenham-hotspur-20-21-home-kit.html
Third - https://www.footyheadlines.com/2019/10/tottenham-hotspur-20-21-third-kit.html
#521495 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Template - Spain Home Euro 2020
Sponsor - Chevrolet (front) Kohler (arm) both in white
Colour - Slightly deeper shade of Man Utd red for collar and sleeve cuffs with above pattern (red, yellow and black) on main body of the shirt, adidas stripes on sleeve and logo to be white, United badge in full colour
Template - New DC United Home
Sponsors - Chevrolet (front) Kohler (arm) both in white
Colour - Using colours below, darker green for stripes and orange for badge and Adidas logo
Template- Houston Dynamo 2020/2021 away style but with pattern in the link below instead.
Sponsors - Same as above but writing in black.
Colour and pattern in below link, red to be used for adidas stripes, logo and badge and white for sleeves with main body of shirt to have pattern effect.
#518056 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Nurnberg Umbro home shirt template in West Ham home shirt colours with current Betway sponsor.
Schalke Umbro away shirt template in West Ham home colours with current Betway sponsor. Stripe detail on the sleeves to be larger stripe in claret and the other in white.
Hull third shirt template in reverse West Ham colour, Sky blue with Claret as secondary
Hull third shirt template in dark grey with claret trim and white for Umbro and Betway logos
#516540 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Home - Tottenham Home template using Chelsea colours with new sponsor
Away - Current Chelsea away with new sponsor
Third - Current Chelsea third with new sponsor
For the ‘3’ sponsor I would think it will look like the Republic of Ireland national shirts and in white for the home and third shirt and blue for the away.
#509983 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Can I have some custom shirts for Marseille.
Home - Man City Home shirt template in the traditional white and sky blue colours of Marseille
Away - Crystal Palace Home shirt template with main colour of sky blue with slightly darker shade of blue for the stripes with white trim as per palace shirt.
Third - Same as current just with changed sponsor (detailed below).
Can the main sponsor be 'Orange' as per last season's shirt using the colour Orange for the sponsor font colour on the home shirt and in White on the Away and Third shirts.
#502343 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Is there a chance somebody can remove the Angry Birds sponsor on this years Everton h/a/t shirts please?
#473336 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
#472824 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Would appreciate it if someone could also make a version with the normal coloured United badge without the shield too.
#470185 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Home - Based on the below new rumored United shirt but with a normal, full colored badge like this seasons instead of the shield design in the image
Away - Beige and Black like the below image in same style as this season's Man Utd pink away shirt. Badge in full colour as below please.
Many thanks in advance
#470003 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Thanks in advance.
#447148 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
I’m looking for some custom Aston Villa kits ready for FM19.
Due to the new owners links to Adidas I would like them to be made using this seasons Leicester templates.
Home- 2018/19 Leicester Home shirt design - claret main colour used in current Aston Villa shirt, sky blue stripes and trim with Adidas logo and the sponsor in white
Away- 2018/19 Leicester Home shirt design - Main colour white with stripes in same claret colour as home shirt with sky blue trim on the collar
Third- 2018/19 Leicester Grey Away shirt design - I’m looking for the shirt to be made using Aston Villa current third shirt colours with sponsor detail like badge and Adidas logo being in the blue colour, main shirt colour being the dark colour with claret for the pattern and white for club sponsor.
I would like the shirt sponsor to be the following design but colour changed to as described above:
#426804 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
I'm desperately looking for someone to do some fantasy kits for my Coventry City save.
I'm looking for someone to change the shirt sponsor on this season's home and away shirt to either Land Rover or a previous sponsor Cassidy Group (on the away can the writing on the sponsor be white)
Logo pics attached
Also as the game progresses I'm looking for some future seasons kits using Land Rover logo if you could have a go for me.
Home - Umbro Bournemouth 17/18 home template - Sky Blue and White stripes with black used as trim e.g. umbro logo
Away - Umbro Bournemouth 17/18 home template - Green and black stripes with white used as trim e.g. umbro logo
Third- Umbro Bournemouth 17/18 third template - Primary colour red with black secondary and white used as trim e.g. umbro logo
Home - Adidas West Brom home 17/18 template - Sky Blue and White stripes with black used as trim e.g. adidas logo
Away - Adidas West Brom away 17/18 template - White body, red sleeves with black trim
Third - Adidas West Brom third 17/18 template - Same colour green as original with black trim
Home - Under Armour Southampton home 16/17 template - Sky Blue main colour with white stripes and black as trim
Away - Under Armour Southampton away 16/17 template - Same colours as original southampton shirt
The inspiration for the colours are from the shirts below.
Anything anyone can do will be great as cannot wait to start this save game.
#406425 Purchase not coming through
#406401 Purchase not coming through
Nothing yet al I've recieved is a receipt from Paypal
#406369 Purchase not coming through
#403597 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Home - Traditional Rangers colours (Blue,White) in same style as Ipswich/Birmingham 17/18 Adidas home kits
Away - White main colours with Navy trim and Sky Blue thick stripe (ref Rangers 99-00 away and 16-17 third) in same style as Juventus third kit 17-18 (Green)
Third - Red and White in same style as Ipswich/Birmingham 17/18 Adidas home kits
Sponsor - Virgin Media (same as Southampton)
Badge - Same but with stars removed
If you could do this, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
#308682 Anyone had this problem when loading an editor file? picture attached
I have this same problem, does anyone know how to fix it?
#262727 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Please someone make.
#261624 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Stoke City Home and Away 2015/16
Liverpool Home and Away 2015/16
Chelsea Home and Away 2015/16
#119968 SS' Official Kits Thread (NO REQUESTS)