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#799710 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Adrián Ros Lorente
Please, the promotions and relegations of regional categories in Spain are not updated.
#799676 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Adrián Ros Lorente
Who can I contact to collaborate on various realistic changes or send them the file that I have edited by me so that they can apply it to yours. thank you
#799664 Introducing Project Classic FM - The biggest update for FM24 and a long goal to keep the old generation of FM alive
Adrián Ros Lorente
Are the skills and budgets of second division teams also updated? As is the case of my club, which is FC Cartagena, second division in Spain. Thank you and I will not hesitate to contribute with my subscription
#797387 Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion SS'24/25 New! (29/09/24)
Adrián Ros Lorente
Thank you I already downloaded them a few days ago. I hope to have at least the first Cartagena shirt soon to be able to use it in my games...
#797382 Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion SS'24/25 New! (29/09/24)
Adrián Ros Lorente
Those from season 24/25 are not there or I don't see them
#797378 Spain - LaLiga Hypermotion SS'24/25 New! (29/09/24)
Adrián Ros Lorente
Will we have 3D soon? Thank you very much for the contribution!
#797271 3D Kits request thread
Adrián Ros Lorente
FC Cartagena please!
#797247 Wojciech Szczęsny
Adrián Ros Lorente
He has already passed the medical examination with the club will be made official in the next few hours they can put him in Barcelona as a player
#795269 Mandela Keita
Adrián Ros Lorente
The footballer is owned by Parma
#794934 Abelardo
Adrián Ros Lorente
You have put Juan José Tomás as manager of the first team and now Pitu Abelardo appears to me as assistant coach when he is the coach of the first team and Juan José Tomás is the coach of the U19.
#794933 Juan José Tomás
Adrián Ros Lorente
He is not the coach of the first team, he is the coach of the U-19
#794840 Pepe Aguilar
Adrián Ros Lorente
Cartagena B competes in group 13 and is placed in group 12 please correct it.
#794817 Sergio Caballero
Adrián Ros Lorente
He is the goalkeeper coach of CD Minera
#794632 Víctor Ruiz
Adrián Ros Lorente
He left Real Murcia when coach Munua left
#794631 Antonio Martínez
Adrián Ros Lorente
It does not appear in the game when appearing as retired, you have to put the employee role.
#794485 Javi Gadea
Adrián Ros Lorente
Ok, thank you!
#794330 FM24 Club Updates
Adrián Ros Lorente
Cartagena B and Minerva teams from Spain compete in group 13 of the third federation. Can you please correct it
#794211 Isaac Jové
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794210 Isaac Jové
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794207 Joseph Abdalla
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794206 Isaac Jové
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794204 Pipa
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794203 Adrián Sanmartín
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794202 Manolo Palomeque
Adrián Ros Lorente
The Balsicas football team changed its name to Deportivo Marítimo and plays in the city of Cartagena, Murcia, Spain.
#794054 Kiko Olivas
Adrián Ros Lorente
He renewed his contract at FC Cartagena
#760712 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Adrián Ros Lorente
The name LaLiga2 Hypermotion has the 2 left over. The correct one is LaLiga Hypermotion. 🍻🍺
#760619 FM24 Real Name Fix File v4.1 [23/05/2024] - DOWNLOAD AND APPLY AGAIN TO FIX ISSUES CAUSED BY NEW UPDATE
Adrián Ros Lorente
The correct name of the second division of Spain is: LaLiga Hypermotion
#738781 FM23 New Player/Staff Requests
Adrián Ros Lorente
Nombre: Adrián Sanmartín
Nacimiento: 28/07/2005
Nacionalidad: España
Posición: extreme
Información adicional: Adrián Sanmartín - Transfermartk
#738779 Alberto De la Bella
Adrián Ros Lorente
His role at FC Cartagena is as a coach
#738778 Domingo Cisma
Adrián Ros Lorente
His role at FC Cartagena is second coach