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#794345 Add custom adboards?
If SI has not changed anything else here, this is actually quite simple.
1.Define the league / cup id - e.g. Polska 1. Liga to make them available in the specific league / cup and list all image ids you want to show here
<!-- Polska 1. Liga -->
<list id="129559">
<integer value="10013"/>
<integer value="10014"/>
<integer value="10015"/>
<!-- Polska 2. Liga Ost-->
<list id="96004089">
<integer value="10023"/>
<integer value="10024"/>
<integer value="10025"/>
<integer value="10026"/>
2. Define the image id you want to show in the middle (and opposite site) of the pitch
<!-- map the Polska 1Liga ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10013" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10014" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
<!-- map the Polska 2Liga Ost ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10023" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10024" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
<!-- map the Polska 2Liga West ads to each side of the dugout -->
<record id="10033" edge_type="0" edge_index="1"/>
<record id="10034" edge_type="0" edge_index="-1"/>
3. Define the images id and path location (in fact the same way as with player pictures etc.)
<!-- Poland 1 Liga ads -->
<record id="10013" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/telekom_pl"/>
<record id="10014" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/stiga"/>
<record id="10015" path="pictures/ads/poland/1liga/adidas"/>
#341016 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
Have fun with it
#330574 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
Sorry Dolfin, that I didn't satisfied your expectations. As mentioned in the first posting this FM15 version is created for season 2014/2015. I don't know if you can imagine how long it takes to create more than 5000 adboards, but if you have special wishes for individual team adboards do not hesitate to ask for it
I'm sick of the system how the FM handles adboards. (choosing between club adboards and "normal" adboards). It's quite easy to change/update this system. I spent hundreds of hours to create this pack - and I will do it again. But not with this fu**** system "Choose this or that xml..."
#329477 FMWelten Trophy Pack
#326425 FMWelten Trophy Pack
the updated pack contains 1008 items + default trophies (10.April 2016, 126MB). I removed some dupe or wrong trophies for non existing competitions, add a lot of new trophies and updated some pics. The first download is from 28.March 2016 with 727 trophies.
If you have 1009, that's okay. I guess it is the removed none.png because it's already in the default folder. So I removed the duplicated item.
#326424 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
Quite easy. You can use this pack fo FM15 as well as for FM16. Follow the install instructions and delete cache a couple of times. If you see white adboards the fm.xml is in the right folder but the images are not working. So change the image folder (for example if you are using a skin). If you just see the SI Games adboards , the fm.xml is in the wrong folder.
#324751 FMWelten Trophy Pack
Unfortunately the download via sortitoutsi is not working for the update, due to an "413 Request Entity Too Large" error. Hopefully they will fix it asap. In the meanwhile you can download the new update via Mediafire-Mirror (126,77 MB).
#324354 FMWelten Trophy Pack
#273140 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
#273088 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
All uploaded files are fixed. So please download the pack again or use one of the fm.xml files from the attached fix.
#272845 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
#272282 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
Germany Update
#270749 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
More than 600 adboards for 60 new german 4th and 5th league clubs. (Regionalliga + Oberliga).
#268720 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
#268579 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
#268552 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
thank you for your feedback. I changed the sponsor to Ping An but you are right. I missed to change the chinese league adboard.
Attached you'll find the adboard. I'll change it with the next update.
You just have to replace the old adboards with the new one in \graphics\pictures\ads\asia\china\super league. Please override china.png and china1.png to change to adboards.
#268083 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
I added some sponsors (Lotos, Fortuna...) and changed some graphics.
This minor fix is already included in the Update 10.06.15.
#268039 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
Including 180 original adboards of the season 2014/2015.
Chinese Premier Division, League One, FA Cup
Hong Kong First Division
Indian Premier League
Indonesian Super League, Indonesian Premier League Region 1-4, Indonesian Nusantara League Group 1-4
Japanese J-League, J-League 2, Emperor Cup, Yamazaki Nabisco Cup, Fuji Xerox Supercup
Malaysian Super League, Malaysian Premier League, Malaysian Cup, Malaysian FA Cup
Qatar Stars League
Singaporean Premier League
South Korea K League, K League Challenge, FA Cup
United Arab Emirates Football League, President Cup, Etisalat League Cup
#267440 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
Hi, are you sure he is using your patch? As you can see on one screen he has a "concacaf" folder which is from the older FM-Scout pack. So maybe the fm.xml is wrong. Some of the adboards will work (due to the correct image name and corresponding id) and some of them not.
In this case the FM will add the default adboards for missing graphics.
Lega Pro and all the trophies are included in my adboard patch
#266792 FM 15 Adboards by Doc_Debil
#265835 FM 2015 Ad Board Patch - FM16 Version Available
Ohhhh, tv_capper ignored my license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, stole my work and used it for his pack
Unfortunately both files are not compatible and he mixed some IDs. That's why you'll see a german 4. league adboard in your matches.
Probably he'll fix it with 15.07.
#221342 FM Adboards by FMWelten
#134630 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
Here you are
#134507 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
Thanks for using my adboard addon, Willz71172. But that's not a nice way to copy my created adboards and offer them for the 14.03
Actually tv_crapper recommended not using my adboard addon so be so kind and wait for an 14.04 update with new scottish adboards from tv_crapper
#130617 Germany - 3.Liga SS'2013/14
This problem is well known
Graphic file is named "heiden1.png" but you used "heidenh1" in the config.xml
@ DomD
Just rename the heiden1 and heiden2 to heidenh1 and heidenh2 , that's it.
#130380 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
#130224 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
If you are using one of the downloaded Adboard Patches you will see either the club specific adboards OR the adboards from the French Ligue 1 (Groupama, Ligue 1, Orange, Carrefour, Quick, Puma etc.) But never Castrol
If you see Castrol, Continental, Budweiser, Powerade etc. there is something totally wrong.
#129984 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
#129879 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch
And I don't want to create an additional no club XML.
You can do it yourself.
Open the xml file with a text editor and search for:
<record type="team">
<!-- team holland - default only -->
<list id="784">
<record id="deon" size="7"/> <!-- use the default ads 7 times to get more than 50 cells -->
Delete everything concerning the entry <record type="team" (up to <record type="nation">.
So you have to delete everything between <!-- AUSTRIA --> and <!-- WALES END -->
I don't know why you can't see my website. But I've sent you an alternative mirror.
#129838 FM 2014 Ad Board Patch