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#159652 Good Free/Loan Players for Npower League 2
The Kraken
Gonna Start a Career with AFC Wimbledon and bring them up to the Premiership , but i need a good list or tips on players who will sign for my team or great loan players.
#142850 National flag (small) won't load
The Kraken
#142091 Raiders Logo
The Kraken
Dont Understand??
#141906 Raiders Logo
The Kraken
i cannot get the small logo to work though no matter what i do , config is in the correct place any ideas greatly welcome
#141741 Raiders Logo
The Kraken
this might be the wrong forum . but i was wondering if anyone can convert this Raiders logo to a Metallic version /small version and do a left and right background graphics as well ??? donation of 5 euro through paypal for your time
#141733 💡 Metallic Logos Request Thread
The Kraken
#113840 Steklo Skin Mr Dixon
The Kraken
#110549 FM2014 beta code
The Kraken
#110533 FM2014 beta code
The Kraken
#110490 FM2014 beta code
The Kraken
"Buy from us and start playing INSTANTLY, before the official release!!! LOLZ
#107971 FM14 Officially Announced
The Kraken
#17625 Steklo X3 v1.2
The Kraken