jreid0784 - Comments

#466998 Scottish League System
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
So.......so far i have all the league added. Now at 116 league total, down to level 16. Still to add teams, cups, cities, and as much players as i can find. This is a major project and it is taking time to do, as i want it as accurate as possible (bar the playoffs in the senior leagues, which i have already removed). Hopefully I can batter on and get a few leagues worth of teams added tomorrow. I will leave cup comps till last as they should be fairly easy to set up.
#466362 Summer foorball in winter database
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I was wondering if anyone has tried to make a database that has a winter league like England or Scotland that also incorporates a summer league. I'm currently adding new leagues to Scotland and some of the Highland amateur leagues are summer leagues. Off the top of my head I don't think it would work due to the league update day setting in the editor, but if anyone has any idea how it might work it would be most appreciated.
#466036 Scottish League System
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I'm currently working on a database that goes from the premiership right down to the welfare leagues, including cups. the "senior" leagues all have full promotion, no playoffs, down to the east of scotland leagues. Juniors are already included and im currently working on the amateur leagues. Most of the highland leagues have been done so far. I may, after this database is done, include promotion/relegation from the very bottom to the premiership. so in theory it should be possible to take a welfare team to the premiership in time.
#450499 Scottish Full Pyramid Full Promotion/Relegation (juniors to Premiership)
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I Don't think it will. I will update for 19 though
#446947 Aberdeen. The Northern Light Awakens
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Now the Summer transfer window has"slammed" shut, I can post an update. It's been a decent start to the season, sitting top of the league having played a game less than Celtic but with a better goal difference. A lot of time in the early game was devoted to finding new staff, as well as finding some young talent that I can develop. I asked for a engargened transer kitty and to my complete surprise I got it!!! £2.4 million. Which was spent on strengthening the team, especially in the midfield/attacking midfield areas. I brought in Pau Morer, 425k, Scott Mctominay loan no fee or wages (boost), Ryan Gauld loan wages and small fee, Fellipo De Col 950k, and Eirik Hestad 650k, Diego Poyet on a free, Keziah Sterling loan no wages or fee and Marco Rchter loan which was terminated almost immediatly as he suffered a broken leg 2 days after joining!!! Some young talent has been signed, just have to wait and see how that pans out.
#445708 Scottish Full Pyramid Full Promotion/Relegation (juniors to Premiership)
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Is the structure still the same as the fantasy pyramid?

No, it closely matchea the real life structure. The east of Scotland leagues have been set to work as they possibly will as of next season, but have relegation and promotion from the east junior leagues. South of scotland relegates to the west region juniors and the highland league relegates to the north Caledonian league then to the north region juniors.
#445393 Aberdeen. The Northern Light Awakens
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
So a new journey begins. I will attempt to take Aberdeen back to the glory years of the 80's and dominate both domestically and European football. I am using my own database that I created (available to download here). Things have started off fine. Won through the first europa league playoff round against Stjarnan 6-4 on aggregate after a 2-1 defeat at home in the first leg. Followed that by beating Olipija Ljubjana in the first leg 3-0. Main Tactic is a 4321 that will attempt to keep possesion and play attacking football.
#444158 Editor Problem
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Ignore. Problem solved.
#442928 Scottish Fantasy Pyramid
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Just bought FM18 and I do the same thing every season with the Scottish league because of how poor it is at the moment. Looking forward to giving this a try as you may have saved me a lot of time.

I'm also working on a full pyramid for the Scottish leagues woth proper leagues and cups but with straight promotion and relegation. No stupid playoff system. So theoretically a team from the bottom of the junior leagues could progress to the premiership. Hope the database is ok for you, i think i still need to make a few tweaks to it.
#441612 Blackburn Utd (Scotland)
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Which database are you using?
#375356 Scottish lower league Extra detail
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Ok, I have finally managed to make a start on this. Currently running through a list of cups and adding cup history to the relevant teams i.e Kilmarnock in the Ayrshire Cup. Hoping to get this done and ready for download in the next fortnight or so.
#349151 Scottish lower league Extra detail
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Hi all

I'm considering doing a detail update for the scottish lower league teams when 17 comes out. Would anyone be interested in this? I intend to add full board, league history, competition wins, player history and all coaching staff for as many tems as i can find information on in the scottish highland, lowland, and east of scotland leagues. If i can get info for teams lower than that i would add them. I have done Fraserburgh on 16 to see how it looked and if anyone wants to see what i have done i'll add some pics or the database file.

#331763 Scottish pyramid system
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Alright sorry about that iv had nothing but problems trying to get the league cup like the real life still working on it trying get to get it spot on

Ahh right, cheers bud. Excellent work btw.
#331718 Scottish pyramid system
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I've noticed that the League cup has the teams that are in Euro competition at the start of the season are also in the league cup. Games are sometimes only 2 days apart to catch up. Is there a way to fix this? The second round is the best 4 runner ups, euro participants and group winners.
#260399 Scottish non league logos?
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I have these, done them myself. Couldn't get all teams but got as much as i could.

Hope these are ok for you.
