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#276461 Daniel Osvaldo
William Zão Gonçalves
#275943 Abou Diaby
William Zão Gonçalves
contract is until june 2017
#274821 Lucas Bernardi
William Zão Gonçalves
#274555 Mario Suárez
William Zão Gonçalves
loan is until june 2016 for season 2015-2016 and not until june 2015 not the truth
#274366 Kenneth Omeruo
William Zão Gonçalves
#274262 Benjamin Stambouli
William Zão Gonçalves
#274252 Aleksandar Mitrović
William Zão Gonçalves
#274039 Hernâni
William Zão Gonçalves
his loan on guimaraes didn't happen he stays at porto so correct that and accept my informations or check yourself and don't let huge mistakes like that
#274038 Cristian Rodríguez
William Zão Gonçalves
i don't spam, cristian rodriguez is back at atletico madrid but when i start game he is still in gremio, so please correct that
#273389 Balázs Megyeri
William Zão Gonçalves
#273386 Marko Pavlovski
William Zão Gonçalves
#273384 Damien Duff
William Zão Gonçalves
#273379 Iker Casillas
William Zão Gonçalves
#273373 Maximiliano Pereira
William Zão Gonçalves
deal on the air since 1 month, contract of 4 years and he arrived now on stage in holland with porto
#273362 Hernâni
William Zão Gonçalves
#273361 Hernâni
William Zão Gonçalves
#273226 Ciro Immobile
William Zão Gonçalves
OMG it's very big problem if game start in 2014 OMG olalala, and you call this site realistic?
#273169 Teo Gutiérrez
William Zão Gonçalves
again it's the same with casillas, nani, schweinsteiger, van persie, podolski, and many others, i gave informations, perahps not confirmed like you want but after it's always confirmed and now it is, anyway, by the way someone accepted post of immobile loan on sevilla until 2015 and it's fake, immobile is on loan for 2015 2016, i put but nobody wants to correct this mistake, like you say we cannot put fake informations here, so please correct
#273167 Ciro Immobile
William Zão Gonçalves
so please correct that or this site now accept fake informations? correct loan until 2016 season 2015-2016
#273166 Ciro Immobile
William Zão Gonçalves
and did you see that the loan is until june 2016 and not 2015? the loan you accepted is wrong, it's UNTIL 2016
#273126 Ciro Immobile
William Zão Gonçalves
and the loan is for next season so for 15-16 and no until june 2015 so please correct, the loan is until june 2016
#273125 Ciro Immobile
William Zão Gonçalves
of course it has option deal for 10 millions euros
#272699 Bastian Schweinsteiger
William Zão Gonçalves
contract until 2018 no 2017
#272631 Andreas Christensen
William Zão Gonçalves
#272627 Asamoah Gyan
William Zão Gonçalves
#272626 Asamoah Gyan
William Zão Gonçalves
and salary 900000 € per week
#272624 Asamoah Gyan
William Zão Gonçalves
ok but hisd contract is 2 years no 1 year, so until 2017
#272623 Luis Fariña
William Zão Gonçalves
#272622 Luis Fariña
William Zão Gonçalves
#272570 Delvin Ndinga
William Zão Gonçalves
i made a mistake it's not until 2015 but until 2016 right cause it's for season 15/16