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#474715 Standard Fantasy Kits Thread (no real kits)
Stu Needham
#431819 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
#428695 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
#428453 Oathbreaker - a Plug & Play 433 for FM18 (UPDATED TO .fmf)
Stu Needham
#427012 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
#344938 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
Home - White, Black trim. Home
Away - Dark Red, White trim. Away
Third - Dark Blue, Gold trim
Sponsor - Motordepot
Badge - Badge
#275080 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
#275053 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
Can I make a small adjustment please? Can you take the border off the sponsor name and just have the text? black text on the white shirt and white text on the home and third kit? apart from that, 1st class mate
#273401 Club Stadium Not Getting BIGGER
Stu Needham
Anyone else had this?
#269738 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
Fan-smegging-tastic mate. TYVVVVVVVVVM
#269563 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
I had some kits made before and was wondering if I can get these done too?
Home Shorts - Black with a White stripe
Home Socks - White
Away Shorts - Same as Home
Away Socks - Black
Third Shorts - Blue with a Gold Stripe
Third Socks - Red
#268805 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
Can I request these kits please.
Sponsor - Whitakers
Logo - Hull United
Home kit as pictured.
Away kit same style but dark red with white stripes.
Third kit same style but dark blue with gold stripes.
#241321 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
these are so good I may have to cry
#236607 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
Can I have a set with each logo? if not the blue logo please
#236380 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
#235267 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
#208238 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
#200411 3D Fantasy Kits Thread
Stu Needham
Home Shorts - White with a Black stripe
Home Socks - Black
Away Shorts - Blue with a Gold Stripe
Away Socks - Blue
Third Shorts - Black with a Red Stripe
Third Socks - Red
#200315 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Stu Needham
#199749 3D Kits Official Thread (NO REQUESTS)
Stu Needham
#197830 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
Hope this helps
#197719 SS' Fantasy Kits Thread (NO REAL KITS)
Stu Needham
could anyone remake thses kits but with this new badge please, also please remove the red "patch" from the from of the white shirt.