Latrell yard man Activity
thank you, what's your opinion on him do you reckon he is the next big super star of brazil.
can you post his picture please
haha well i do have quite a history there looking at all that lol
can that be unzip by WinRAR
is it impossible to download the background pack for free i have been trying all day and it just keeps saying i have to wait 2 hours for free download or sign up i have downloaded 70 per cent so far but it just seems impossible to get any further for free...
is anybody planning on doing chile premira division
fantastic i have been hoping that someone was doing this.
a wonderful moment that has never happened to me bet there was a loud roar in your house.
Does anyone know if there is a file for turkey this year to make to foreign player rule a bit more easier
Has anybody got any cut out pictures of Celtic's japan players.
i like this nice job.
where is this j league file.
nice job thanks tonytonytony you have made my day
ok i do remember this tournament but i was very young at the time, i just looked it up and they say this was there 2nd kit it must be there 3rd kit i would still like it though for nostalgia
there away kit was a blue version of the home kit
looking for a good Netherlands 1988 kit home and away.
have they also banned stadium banners or is it just adboards
How do you get rid of the bundesliga scoreboard first time trying a save in the bundesliga and the scoreboard is overriding my skin
Sorted it was a file i had not updated i did not realise it was in my editor folder affecting my name change.
No matter what i do i can not get Fc Bayern's name to change in the game to fc Bayern München there full name ive changed it in the editor and changed the inc file what am i doing wrong
any proof si really told you to do this
happy belated birthday you are amazing susie
thanks mons i did not know i could get the logo like that cheers.
could some one be kind enough to share the Cirencester logos with me, in my pack i have the wrong colour logo for some reason.
same for me i would love to have this but its just a step to far me, and the regen faces this year are horrific
has anyone got any cut out pictures for the new consortium
i really like this tactic i would love it more if you could make it a bit more violent.
has anybody got badges and kits and 3d kits for this team i want to start a new save with them. ...
can it not have the correct option with a obligation to buy
nice work these are really good kits thank you
i am for letting the game set the wage its a no brainer for me.
I do not have the memory or storage space on my pc so i have a question if i download the entire fac...