aka_wizard Activity
three continents updated! please check download area.
before the extraction of the files please delete the following folders: Clubs->Africa;North America & Caribbean;Oceania
two updates:
Greece and Zambia
Finally! It's now available for download, enjoy it guys!
P.S.: for those who had the last year's version, please delete and download this new version!
before christmas I will release it!
not an update, a megapack with corrections, new logos, new ids.. it will be release a few days after the game has been released!
I see some kits are missing and some needs an update, so this is my research I did for FBKits
you can check that 898 id i...
check the download area!
and next time, use Notepad++ and edit the config.xml
Sagicor South East United FC - 23007407
Nope, you have to download these logos and copy to the files!
Logos Updated
concord rangers
FK Džiugas (1300736)
This Megapack is a very well organized, updated and includes the following content:
- All nations and continents
- Over 25000...
Bahrain competition's