FM24 Data Update

Football Manager Transfer Update for FM2024 with Latest Transfers and Updated Leagues for FM24 including Promotions, Relegations, January Winter Transfer Window and Summer Transfer Window. Our FM 24 Data Update is the biggest Football Manager Update with hundreds of contributors and you can get involved and submit transfers yourself. Every real life transfer can be added to FM 2024 with our Collaborative FM24 Editor, what are you waiting for? Get editing!

  • Updated 28 Apr 2024
  • 9,649 Changes
  • 140 Contributors
  • FM24.3
Abderrahmane Argui
Adel Nefzi
Adel Zouita
Adem Chebbi
Adem Chtioui
Adem Garreb
Adem Guizani
Adem Taous
Ahmed Khalil
Ahmed Labidi
Ahmed Touihri
Alioune Mbaye
Amenallah Meddeb
Ameur Omrani
Anas Rezgui
Ayoub Zenati
Aziz Belloumi
Aziz Ghrissi
Bassem Srarfi
Chiheb Abidi
Dhia Chihi
Elyes Ellouze
Federico Bikoro
Fedi Fatteh
Fernando Bikoro
Firas Mahdouani
Ghaith Sghaier
Ghaith Zaalouni
Hamdi Labidi
Hamdi Labidi
Hamza Agrebi
Hazem Chentouri
Houssem Eddine Souissi
Jihed Trabelsi
Kamel Kolsi
Khalil Kassab
Kingsley Eduwo
Lotfi Rouissi
Louay Aloui
Louay Jebali
Makram Marzouki
Makrem Sghaier
Malek Saada
Moez Amara
Mohamed Ali Amri
Mohamed Amine Hamrouni
Mohamed Amine Khadraoui
Mohsen Trabelsi
Mondher Kebaïer
Montassar Baaziz
Mouez Hassen
Mouhib Mhadhebi
Nader Ouerda
Nour Rahmouni
Noureddine Farhati
Oussama Sayari
Rached Arfaoui
Rami Bedoui
Rayane Jelassi
Rayane Oueslati
Saber Khalifa
Saleh Ayari
Skander Labidi
Talel Guizani
Tayeb Meziani
Toufik Cherifi
Wassim Maghzaoui
Yahia Mtiri
Yassine Dridi
Yassine Ferchich
Youssef El Almi
Youssef Meherzi
Youssef Snana
Zouheir Dhaouadi