Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive over 475,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.

  • 478,656
  • 2024.13 - Released on 01 Oct 2024
Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack

18 years ago
1 hour ago
We're all happy to announce the availability of the new cutout faces request section. You can find it here.
All new requests are to be made on there, and so this thread is being closed.
Welcome to the "Megapack Improvement" request thread.
This is for images that you feel would be an improvement on those already IN the Megapack (the image must be an improvement in quality or on a par but more recent)
Please ensure images posted in this thread are a clear improvement on the current MP image. Among things to keep in mind when considering if a new image is an improvement are:

* Resolution/quality
* Date the photo was taken
* The face is in full profile and not to the side.

* Someone will have spent a lot of time cutting the existing MP image, so really ask yourself if it is worth replacing and be polite.
Remember, just because the image you are requesting is more recent or has the player in his latest club shirt does NOT necessarily mean it's an improvement.
There are some STRICT rules to posting that EVERYONE needs to follow:
Play close attention to posts 3-5
1) Obviously, download the megapack and all its updates! You can double check the Megapack image (and previous version if applicable) using the Megapack Search tool. Please use this as it's possible the image you are requesting has been replaced at some point.
2) Try searching the forums, there is a small chance that your specific image has already been cut, but it was not chosen for the pack or has been cut recently since the release of the most recent update pack.
This includes;
Player's name:
Player's ID:
Link to source picture:

The site will automatically produce a link to the Megapack's image of the player, so we can see if it truly an improvement.
4) As of 4/2/2015, there is a limit of 1 images per request. You are only allowed to make another request once your previous request was cut. If you want to make a request for more than 1 image at a time, use the teampack request thread and post in there, using that thread's rules. This rule was made due to the large amount of dubious improvements being requested, and to ensure that cutters have better sources to work with.
5) Remember to thank your cutter and please remember to go back to your original request and delete the image or link so we can keep track of what's been done and what still needs to be cut.
6) No Bumping of your request.
7) If you need to obtain the player's ID, it can be obtained from FM Editor or viewed in game changing the preferences to "Show Unique ID"
8) If the image isn't in the Megapack at all, then use the missing image thread
9) If you want a picture of someone not in the game - Yourself, or a member of your family etc, then this is NOT the correct place
10) If the image is not quite an improvement but you would like the picture done anyway, then this is NOT the correct place. We concentrate on the MP so use the learn how to cut-out thread to do it yourself
If you fail to abide by these rules repeatedly, you will be warned. If you continue to ignore the rules, this may result in you being BANNED from the site entirely!
Please be aware that cutting out takes a lot of time and the people that do so only do it for the love of improving our favorite game and the megapack. With this in mind you need to show PATIENCE and show thanks.
We need to be strict with this as we have had many selfish requesters over the years that have driven valuable cutters off the threads, please don't be one of those people...
Spoilered below is a thorough guide for those who are not sure what constitutes an improvement image - thanks to rtsrobintje for the guide
Improvement Guide.
This guide will take you to various types of cut-outs and how they can be improved. When you want to have a cut-out improved, please be sure to request properly (link to request guide) and that the improvement you ask is as good as possible
A + means a positive thing about the cut, a - a negative
Type 1
+Might be the only alternative for an unknown player
-Not a profile picture
-Low quality
-Poorly cut
Can be improved by:
*Every image that looks better
Type 2
+Good quality
+Cut as good as possible
-Not a profile picture
Can be improved by:
*Decent quality or slightly lesser quality profile picture
Type 3
+Good profile picture
+Cut as good as possible
-Low quality
Can be improved by:
*Profile picture with higher quality
Type 4
+Good profile picture
+Cut as good as possible
+High quality
-Old hairstyle
Can be improved by:
*A newer picture with the same high quality
(NOTE: Most top players will get a yearly cut-out, but they actually don't deserve it. Only ask to replace this kind of image if their appearance really changed, like this example)
Type 5
+Good profile picture
+Cut as good as possible
+High quality
+Newest picture available
Can be improved by:
*Nothing, probably the picture for a future season
Type 0 2.png 4.png
-Bad cuts (white spots in the hair, white spots, box around the image, no straight on cut, bad edges, too much lighting,...)
Can be improved by:
*The same or a better source image
*Request the bad image for somebody to clean up

Portuguese (Brazilian) translation by Saveren:

Bem vindo ao tópico de pedidos de Aprimoramentos do Megapack.
Este tópico é para aquelas imagens que você sente que podem ser melhoradas e que ESTÃO no Facepack (a imagem precisa ser melhor ou quase igual, mas mais recente)
Por favor, tenha certeza de que a imagem que vai postar seja realmente melhor do que a que há no Facepack, caso contrário visite o tópico de preferências pessoais. Algumas coisas que se deve ter em mente para saber se a imagem é melhor ou não:

*Resolução / Qualidade
*Dia em que a foto foi tirada
*O rosto do jogador está de frente e não de lado
*Alguém perdeu muito tempo cortando a imagem atual do facepack, apenas requira uma nova imagem se realmente valer a pena e seja educado.

Lembre-se, apenas porque a imagem que você está pedindo é mais recente ou o jogador está usando a camiseta do seu atual time não significa que a imagem seja uma melhoria.
1) Óbviamente, faça o Download do Megapack!
2) Tente procurar nos foruns usando o excelente guia 70 club, existe um pequena chance de que sua imagem já esteja 'cortada', mas não foi escolhida para entrar no pack. AQUI

Nome do Jogador:
ID do Jogador:
Link da foto do Jogador:
Imagem existente que você deseja trocar:

4) Se você quer descobrir qual o ID do jogador, vá no editor do FM ou então veja no próprio jogo, trocando as preferências para "Mostrar ID's dos Jogadores"
5) Há um limite de 3 imagens por pedido, após seu pedido ser atendido você pode pedir mais 3
6) NOVA REGRA: Apenas mande seu pedido denovo se você está esperando por 1 mês ou mais. rtsrobintje anota todos os pedidos e os faz nesse tempo
7) Lembre-se de agradecer ao usuário que 'cortar' sua imagem e seria legal se você pudesse ir onde postou o pedido e deletar a imagem ou o link que você postou, assim podemos ter uma ideia melhor do que está pronto ou não.
8) Se você quer a imagem de alguém que não está no jogo - Você, ou um membro da sua família visite AQUI
9) Se a imagem não está no Facepack, visite AQUI
10) Se a imagem não é um aprimoramento mas mesmo assim você a quer no jogo, visite AQUI
Se você não obedecer as regras do site, você será advertido. Caso continue a ignorar as regras você poderá ser BANIDO de todo o site.

Tenha em mente que cortar as imagens leva muito tempo e que as pessoas que ajudam com isso apenas fazem pelo prazer de melhorar nosso jogo favorito. Com isso em mente você precisa demonstrar PACIÊNCIA e agradecimento.
Nós precisamos ser severos, pois no passado tivemos muitos pedidos de pessoas idiotas que afastaram vários bons 'cortadores' dos tópicos, por favor não seja um desses idiotas...

18 years ago
8 hours ago
First one in with an improvement
John Harkes
Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
I'm going down in History.
Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
Where is the Search function?
14 years ago
1 day ago
Nenad Sljivic 5774317
Vojkan Miljkovic 62015165
Done by HZKTO
16 years ago
2 years ago
my first request on the new site

Emile Heskey
id 2004403

Request Done by Bajahater,many thanks

to replace
14 years ago
1 day ago
By hjs | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 15:39 PM
Emile Heskey ID 2004403 replace
Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
Enjoy this lads, for once you won't have to press the 'Last' button when you get on the thread
14 years ago
11 years ago
16 years ago
2 years ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 16:09 PM replace

14 years ago
2 months ago
Andy Robinson - 28046573 (has -1 at the end of thr filename) to replace
Maya Yoshida - 45005892 to replace
18 years ago
1 month ago
done by fmgreece!!!
16 years ago
5 years ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 30 September 2012 - 16:09 PM replace

This should be in the Alt thread mate, I can't see how that could be an improvment.
15 years ago
7 years ago
But he has the new kit .....
16 years ago
7 months ago
Drop the shoulders and maybe it would be, but I have to agree that at the moment it's not.
Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
No way an Improvement in my Opinion, even if you dropped the shoulders.
14 years ago
1 day ago
By Green Lion | Permalink | On 01 October 2012 - 20:39 PM
No way an Improvement in my Opinion, even if you dropped the shoulders.

Green Lion you've seen this yesterday,and just after all guys said their opinion you decide to tell us yours.After new forum came,it look like you want to have as much posts as you can get.
Someone should send me PM and I would post this one in alternative,on this way,we just taking space and pages for nothing like it was on old forum.
18 years ago
1 hour ago
I'm undecided atm tbh - I don't think it's as bad an image as people are making it out to be. Would probably be an improvement if the shoulders were dropped, but that might not be the case once I see it tbh.
14 years ago
1 year ago
I've had a go at Emile Heskey too, dropped the shoulders (althought I'm not sure if they look right) and reduced the redness and saturation slightly.
Still not too sure if it is an improvement, but I'll leave that up to Mons The Decider!!!
Side Splitting Pass
15 years ago
2 years ago
Alternatively just wait until I (am able to) post a team request pack for Newcastle Jets.
15 years ago
3 days ago
Even if it isn't an improvement, I just see it as fitting that Emile Heskey is one of the first players to grace this new forum's facepack section.
17 years ago
8 years ago
Jean-François Rivière 3502348
Mana Dembelé 85029592
Romain Armand 8428615
Pierrick Capelle 85098947
Antoine Jouan 85059758
14 years ago
1 day ago
Here is the one guy with the same name,and surname as mine
Marko Bajic 5753471 replace

And just one funny information
On Lechia Gdansk site,you have all players cuted out on 521x549 size,full team So,If someone have more free time,he could collect all of them,resize them on 180x180 and I believe that would be all,I wish all the teams on the world have this tipe of images
Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
By Hazza (The Original) | Permalink | On 01 October 2012 - 22:54 PM
Even if it isn't an improvement, I just see it as fitting that Emile Heskey is one of the first players to grace this new forum's facepack section.

Sir William
14 years ago
1 year ago
Andoni Iraola - ID: 824160 Replace
12 years ago
3 weeks ago
By BajaHater | Permalink | On 03 October 2012 - 02:18 AM
On Lechia Gdansk site,you have all players cuted out on 521x549 size,full team So,If someone have more free time,he could collect all of them,resize them on 180x180 and I believe that would be all,I wish all the teams on the world have this tipe of images

I will do it

Green Lion, this Iraola image isn't an improvement.
14 years ago
1 day ago
Julio Cesar 33012422 to replace
18 years ago
1 hour ago
By Asket | Permalink | On 03 October 2012 - 10:37 AM
I will do it

Green Lion, this Iraola image isn't an improvement.

I disagree - it might be imo...
15 years ago
21 hours ago
Two possibly improvements in one image :-)

Paul Papp 57007415 and Pavol Farkas 7563851

done by Ovidiu10....thanks :-))))
12 years ago
3 weeks ago
By mons | Permalink | On 03 October 2012 - 17:18 PM
I disagree - it might be imo...

It's more alternative I think, because he already has got new image in Athletic shirt.

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