Finnish clubs with best young players in FM24
The best young players from Finland in FM 24
Get the best Finnish Players with our shortlists of the Best Young Cheap FM24 Wonderkids from Finland in Football Manager 24. Looking for bargain Finnish Football Manager 2024 Wonderkids? Check out our list of the best FM 2024 Wonderkids from Finland which includes all the best wonderkids and cheap wonderkids in Football Manager 2024.
What is a Wonderkid? A Wonderkid is a player aged under 21 is has a high potential ability. With the right training and game time they'll become one of the best Finnish players in Football Manager 2024. Below you'll find a list of all the best young Finnish players in FM 2024 as well as a separate list of the bargain Finnish wonderkids in Football Manager 24.
These are the best Finnish wonderkids you can find in Football Manager 24. Some of them will be very expensive and already be world class players in Football Manager 24. If you're looking for a bargain check out the cheap FM 24 Finnish Wonderkids below.
Name | Age | Position | Wage | Value | Cost | Expires | Rating | Potential | |
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Robin Tihi | 21 | D RC | £15k | £6m | £450k |
If you're not managing a big team with alot of money to spend you probably won't be able to afford lots of the Finnish wonderkids on the above list. That's why we've also made this list of cheap bargain wonderkids from Finland for when you're on a budget and need discounted Finnish wonderkids at a low price.
These are affordable FM24 Wonderkids from Finland at a cheap price. If you're on a budget then you're going to want to use our Cheap Finnish FM2024 Wonderkids Shortlist instead.
Name | Age | Position | Wage | Value | Cost | Expires | Rating | Potential | |
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Robin Tihi | 21 | D RC | £15k | £6m | £450k |