13 years ago
9 months ago
I can not land planes for shit
18 years ago
2 days ago
I can not land planes for shit

Hahaha, I can do them okay, still hit the ground way to hard but at least can get them on the runway and straight lol.
13 years ago
9 months ago
Had 4 attempts got one actually on runway before skidding off
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
Just unlocked Trevor, I kindof enjoyed going round as Franklin.

Does anyone think the missions are a lot easier than they were in previous GTAs? San Andreas was a bitch to complete compared to this, probably because you don't need to redo entire missions when you fail. The first Trevor mission took me two goes at killing all the bikers but it didn't feel difficult because I didn't need to drive all the way back and redo the entire thing.
18 years ago
2 days ago
Yeah has to be one of the best things they have done is introduce checkpoints for missions, makes the game so much more enjoyable even after dying because you don't get frustrated with having to drive another 10 minutes to get to where you died.

I enjoyed the mission with Trevor where you go to the O'Neils farm, was a fun one. FYI I stealthed it
18 years ago
2 months ago
So has anyone figured out how to steal a fighter jet without being shot down by the airbases SAM-system yet?

Tried it twice, got shot down both times.
13 years ago
9 months ago
18 years ago
2 months ago
Finished with the main story now, man, that was quite a ride.

Now back to real life.....
18 years ago
3 months ago
Anyone else getting that stupid "Problem with storage device" and you game restarts? I'm on 52% and its happening a lot, i was on for 8 hours yesterday and it was fine, come on today and its doing it even though i've changed nothing. I've e-mailed R* and they say its a problem they're actively pursuing. Its fucking annoying.
16 years ago
6 years ago
Happened to me once. But I haven't played much.
18 years ago
1 year ago
Finally about to play
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Trevor is fucking awesome. Lamar and Wade are funny as fuck. Loving this game so far

Helicopters are fucking impossible
13 years ago
9 months ago
The fact that Wade is a Juggalo makes him even better
15 years ago
4 months ago
Just found out my brother has had it since bloody Tuesday and I've not found out till today. I've been sat in the house all week while he's been at school without realising he had it, bugger! Going for a long, long session now.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Semi-Spoiler question about Trevor's heist

Did anyone not choose the heli+sub option? What's that heist like? Do you get any money from it?
13 years ago
9 months ago
Semi-Spoiler question about Trevor's heist

Did anyone not choose the heli+sub option? What's that heist like? Do you get any money from it?

I was on this mission about 5 mins ago. I chose other one as cant fly for shit and knew I would probs have to. not done it yet though
15 years ago
10 years ago
best gta game since gta3 for sure
18 years ago
3 months ago
Semi-Spoiler question about Trevor's heist

Did anyone not choose the heli+sub option? What's that heist like? Do you get any money from it?

MAJOR spoiler, but it answers your question.....

I did it with Heli + Submarine and you get 20million, but then that posh dude makes you give it back, basically.
15 years ago
4 months ago
Just played it for a few hours straight, loving it. The little things are sometimes the best things you notice, like how flip flops actually... flip and flop? There were loads more that I noticed. Just done Trevor's first mission, I fucking love him already. Not done much exploring yet, just mainly been doing missions.
16 years ago
8 years ago
MAJOR spoiler, but it answers your question.....

I did it with Heli + Submarine and you get 20million, but then that posh dude makes you give it back, basically.

Doing the other option

You steal some top secret weapon that Lester makes you give back so you earn nothing.
18 years ago
2 days ago
Did the sex tape paparazzi mission earlier, couldn't help but LOL.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
MAJOR spoiler, but it answers your question.....

I did it with Heli + Submarine and you get 20million, but then that posh dude makes you give it back, basically.

Yeah I did that, that's why I was asking if the other method actually let you keep the haul
14 years ago
9 hours ago
12 years ago
4 years ago
Did the sex tape paparazzi mission earlier, couldn't help but LOL.

That the one where you have to film some celeb taking it up the 'arris? (Can't be spoilers surely, it's a side quest, about anal anyway).

The getaway bit I CAN NOT DO.
18 years ago
2 days ago
That the one where you have to film some celeb taking it up the 'arris? (Can't be spoilers surely, it's a side quest, about anal anyway).

The getaway bit I CAN NOT DO.

Yeah that's the one. You mean the getaway in that side quest? What was so hard about it?
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
I was terrible at keeping the camera focused on her but the game still said I passed.

Had my first rage-quit earlier, couldn't find a "discreet location" for a getaway car and accidentally unlocked a mission which meant I'd lose my modified Bugatti Veyron...
18 years ago
2 days ago
I'm yet to RQ it, simply because of the checkpoint addition. I have to force myself to stop playing otherwise I won't get anything else done lol. I set my alarm for specific times so I know when I have to stop lol.
Deleted Account #151676
Mrs. B brought me the game as a surprise present, gotta love a good woman....who I'm now going to completely ignore for hours on end.
Mr Willy
17 years ago
3 months ago
Unpopular opinion probably but the police are way too overpowered that it makes the game virtually unplayable at times.
Slashman X
18 years ago
1 year ago
Just hide in a bush

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