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About the tactics, I couldn't see it worse: you can choose a lot of options, but if you are choosing a higher tempo than the previously one, it is considered a new option and you have to train the team for it few weeks. Practically, you are not able to change the tactic (not a little) during a season without having a lot of lost matches.
Concluding, I will not buy it anymore, it is impossible to pay for the game now and to play the best version in March, as they are doing now. They are launching a bad version and they are improving it till March, April, but we are paying for it now. It's a shame for Sports Interactive. So, play the old version till March or April.
If you're going to repeat this comment allover, I will repeat the answer
First of all, I think you've missed the concept of a BETA. This is not the full game, it is there to find bugs and correct them, if you feel they are bugs please report them to SI to be fixed.
Try a team meeting if you're on bad form, a boost in morale can go a long way
Playing at a higher tempo in real life takes loads of work and practice, it doesn't just happen overnight as you seem to be hoping for, it isn't just a case of running faster