18 years ago
1 month ago
Hey guys,

not sure how many people have been playing the BETA but I started a game as Parma when it initially came out. Since then there have been two data updates (14.1) and (14.1.1); the latest (14.1.1) has made a HUGE mistake.

I've started brand new games on all versions and with the first two, selling players was not that bad - once listed, teams interested would offer around the price tag. With 14.1.1 however I have listed the EXACT same players and the EXACT same teams are interested only this time they are offering peanuts!


Mirante (GK) Value £2.5m - would easily get the £2.5 offered (upfront) - 14.1.1 I get offered between £275-£375k uprfront (same teams)

Rosi (DR) Value £2.6 - would usually sell for £2m (upfront) - 14.1.1 the same teams offered £675k upfront

Valdes (CM) Value £300k - would sell for this upfront - 14.1.1 offered £72k upfront - again same damn teams!!!!!

WTF!!!!! If I'm not the only one having this problem we need to alert SI
12 years ago
5 years ago
If you own 2 clubs and want to cheat to make money. U offer for example 30.000.000 but the new update keeps blocking it for some reason. Can any1 enlight this?
Gary Holliday
12 years ago
1 year ago
I've got Barca playing in the champions league and europa league in the same season??

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