12 years ago
11 years ago
Hey there folks.

So, I've finally arrived at mid-March in my first season. I'm taken in my squadron of new youngsters and (after using the FM In Game Editor) I've had a look at their PAs. A few decent ones in there, but I could do with a couple more young gems - I'm going to try and poach them from other clubs.

My question is, aside from going to every club and using the new FM In-Game Editor to look up their PAs, is there any way, any tool, any tip, for me to widely search the world for aspiring talent? (I'm talking 120+).

My plan is to just sign the youngest, brightest talents and try and turn my club into something to be proud of.

Obviously I know about Genie Scout and FMRTE, but they're not out yet.

Any advice would be appreciated.


P.S. I only ever use these things as a scouting tool, I never "cheat". Just in case their are any haters out there
18 years ago
3 days ago
Use your actual scouts and go with your gut on youngsters. More satisfying then finding the best ones using the editor.
robmoore_396 2
18 years ago
3 months ago
Use your actual scouts and go with your gut on youngsters. More satisfying then finding the best ones using the editor.

Generally this seems to be true with the latest FM, there have only been a couple of youngsters my DoF has tried to buy and I've used to editor to check their PA and not been very amused. On the whole the scouts and your DoF do well at targeting talent if they've got good stats (judging PA, CA, etc).
18 years ago
3 days ago
Yeah if I have a poor DoF or HOYD then I will take over the finding of youth myself, if they have high attributes for judging players etc then I will let them find the players but contracts are always finalized by myself.

As I said though most of the time I just go with my gut on players despite the report.
13 years ago
2 months ago
I haven't used the In Game Editor but if its anything like the other Editor then you should be able to search players with a minimum PA of say 180/190/-9/-10.

Otherwise I think you might have to wait until Genie Scout comes out.

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