13 years ago
3 years ago
I'm playing 4-3-3 (4-2-3-1 without holding mids) and use a lone striker. Both my strikers are ideal target men (Luuk De Jong and Aleksandar Mitrovic) but neither seem to bang them in on the regular. De Jong managed 1 before getting dropped in november and Mitrovic managed 11 with a run of 16 game without a goal in there somewhere. Is a target man a good role for a lone striker? I've set my wingers up to aim for the target man, and my team do score a lot of headed goals, just seems odd that it's rarely my strikers.
13 years ago
1 year ago
A target man (or deep lying forward) as lone striker is fine if the three behind him are making up for it. What roles are you using for them? I'd generally have the lone forward as support, with the AMs all on attack when using a 4-2-3-1. At least one inside forward, and the 10 given a lot of freedom - a trequartista more often than not, depending on who is behind him. Multiple direct goal scoring threats, width on defence and attack, bodies in the middle, and the 2 central midfielders providing a solid shield. The forward's main job is to bring the others into play.
13 years ago
3 years ago
I'm using 2 trequartistas and an engache in the middle of them, the AMs do the work, but I expect a little bit more from my strikers.
11 years ago
1 year ago
should use an advanced forward then an advanced playmaker behing the striker then two inside forwards. works wonders for me.

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