21 Divisions
577 Teams (every team with a reputation above 5000)
2 Cups
Teams are sorted into divisions purely by reputation. There are 20 teams in the Premier League and 24 teams in every other division. There is a qualification pool below the main divisions that you should not select to play for best results. It is there just to enable new teams to enter the main league.
There are two cup competitions. One covers every team from Premier League to Division Ten and the other covers every team from Division Ten to the qualification pool.
Each team retains its nationality so newgens will be created with the original nationality of their team.
Note: Select only England when starting a new game. Because teams have been moved to the World League most other nations will not work. In time I will try to make some other leagues playable with the remaining teams.
If you wish to re-post this league please credit me. If you want to edit it and post please ask me first.
I have tested this for a few seasons but not extensively. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it please let me know
Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=194386712
Mirror: http://www.speedyshare.com/zVJ2F/worldv1.8.dbc
Latest Version: v1.8
removed all histories
inactive: asian champs league, asian confederations cup, euro champions cup, euro cup
577 Teams (every team with a reputation above 5000)
2 Cups
Teams are sorted into divisions purely by reputation. There are 20 teams in the Premier League and 24 teams in every other division. There is a qualification pool below the main divisions that you should not select to play for best results. It is there just to enable new teams to enter the main league.
There are two cup competitions. One covers every team from Premier League to Division Ten and the other covers every team from Division Ten to the qualification pool.
Each team retains its nationality so newgens will be created with the original nationality of their team.
Note: Select only England when starting a new game. Because teams have been moved to the World League most other nations will not work. In time I will try to make some other leagues playable with the remaining teams.
If you wish to re-post this league please credit me. If you want to edit it and post please ask me first.
I have tested this for a few seasons but not extensively. If you have any suggestions on how to improve it please let me know
Link: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile.../?id=194386712
Mirror: http://www.speedyshare.com/zVJ2F/worldv1.8.dbc
Latest Version: v1.8
removed all histories
inactive: asian champs league, asian confederations cup, euro champions cup, euro cup
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Paste the file on your 'Editor Data' folder and when you start a new game, be sure you load it below of your database settings.
very nicely done indeed!
Ian Burdess