Due to the release of the Steklo skin for FM14 i've decided to start these up after a few years away. The idea of my backgrounds is to just add a simple bit of colour to your screens whilst still enabling the in game text to be read as clearly as possible. So please don't moan about the style as i will not be changing it!
These are for team screens only.
These are for team screens only.
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Ice Man
I feel ashamed compared ourselves with europe
Thank you.
Thanks, i used some of your pics, plus i changed a couple and also found the few that were missing. Was quite amazed at how poor the stadiums are though!
You can use them on matchdays too but will need to change the config, here's an example.
Current config for Premier League team screens.
What it needs to look like for matchdays.
If you want them to show on both.
The reason i don't make them like this already is because most play the game with the 3d pitch meaning that you can't really see the backgrounds anyway. But once all the single packs are complete and i release the megapacks i will be adding the matchday option too. Though that will be some time in the future.
An International pack will happen at some point, just not sure how long that will be but it will happen. I made one a few years back and it can take a while and for some of the very small nations there are no pics of any decent quality, so i ended up using something of interest from the nation as a background if i remember correctly.
For teams that change stadiums i can only go by feedback in here really as the only one i know about that i can think of is West Ham's move but im sure there are plenty of other clubs that i don't know about that will move grounds. So i'm more than happy to add them as requested.
As for generic stadiums its not something i've ever thought about really, do new stadiums get ID numbers in the game? If someone was to have a stadium built and could find a picture they would like to use i'd happily add it to the game but it is probably something that the player themselves could easily do too.
Here's West Ham's if you need it, just right click on it and save then place it into the Premier League folder when the stadium change happens.
Problem with that pic is that the resolution is quite low at 960x717, where as the one i used is 3264x2448 meaning that it will fit better with almost any monitor/tv size and not looked too stretched but would do with the smaller pic. Plus the detail is a lot lower as you'll see once edited below, obviously use it if you prefer though
i'm not too sure how to find out if new built stadiums get ID numbers in the game (such a noob, sorry) but thank you for the west ham picture.
i notice that the hawthawns doesn't work for west brom, not sure if its something thats just me or maybe you didn't know about so just thought i'd let you know.
great work on the packs, it can't be easy and is much appreciated
The real heroes are the photo takers, though making the packs can be very time consuming trying to find good quality pictures.
Didn't realise WBA wasn't working, replace with the one below, you may need to rename it to 734.
do i rename the olympic stadium as 735 to get that to work as west hams stadium?
and true, the photos are pretty amazing. mls have some great stadiums too.
Yeah, rename it to whatever the current West Ham ID is.
I would have said all this but didn't realise you was gonna try it out.
when you get around to it or know how to fix it, give us a shout.
What pack are you using?
Turkish Super Lig added.