And place the file into the editor data folder. DO NOT TRY AND OPEN THE FILE
so here it is LEVEL 12 English database by FMN85.
FA Cup Preliminary Rounds are included with updated prize money
also County cups.
this is the only level 12 around. i will be working on level 13 soon. any questions or problems please come across to my group-https://www.facebook.com/groups/1425005231045668/
so here it is LEVEL 12 English database by FMN85.
FA Cup Preliminary Rounds are included with updated prize money
also County cups.
this is the only level 12 around. i will be working on level 13 soon. any questions or problems please come across to my group-https://www.facebook.com/groups/1425005231045668/
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Now all we need is stadium pics, facepacks and kits for all those folks!
I started a save with Sunderland West End (i did a random pick, and they equip like atl madrid wich is cool) but i realised there is no infrastructures and/or stadium in this club... Can you help out? I wont be able to have my own club stadium is that it?
Cheers and keep up the good work.
I think google is useful tool for you man. Look here:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_football_league_system
So stop complain yourself and if you want some thanks, do a quality job. Nobody its asking you to create players for lower leagues, but try to make corect and full structures, kits colors and stadiums, at least. For example try [FM14] FCUtdWill's English Football Pyramid - Down to Level 10 - BETA
As I'm the author of the Level 10 file you've mentioned, I've found details about every club in the pyramid. Colours for some clubs have been difficult, but stadiums and cities for them have been easy to find. Most of the time I'm researching new information to go into the full version which will be released in a few weeks time.
Could not process rule group settings - English County Leagues Division 1 has the wrong division level set, should be 10.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Daniel Petrie
'English County Leagues Division 1 has the wrong division level set, should be 10.'
when loading the db
what am i doing wrong?
michael keating
Andy Briggs
I've downloaded this for the first time about 30mins ago and tried to run it and have come across the same error as you and several others, good news it is fixable, but there are about 4/5 quick changes that need to be made via the FM2014 Editor (For example going in and setting the above English County to 10), then once that is done another league needs its level changed, alongside two divisions that needed one additional team added. I'm now running the league fine (except I've randomly pulled in English "lower league" teams to plug the two gaps).
I did find that one of my other Databases clashed with this one, so try running JUST this one to start with. Unfortunately it means me reinventing my custom team inside this database to be able to play as them, but it'll be worth it in the end...
Andy Briggs
I'm not home until late tonight, there are two ways it can be done, but for both I'd ideally like to get the okay from the creator of this database (Especially for the second option).
1) I'll redownload the original and then post on here the steps you need to take in the FM2014 Editor to fix the 3/4 errors.
2) I can do the steps and put up the version that works (Unfortunately I've already edited the version I fixed to include my custom made team in the Essex Senior League).
I'll see if I can get hold of FMN85 on his fb group...
First of all, FMN85, if you want this post to be deleted, let me know and I'll do it straight away (I'm having a great time using this db on my current save, I actually couldnt thank you enough for doing all this hard work on it).
Open up the FM2014 editor, load up the database, then load FMN85's Editor Data
On the left it should have "NATION RULES ENGLAND" selected, now further down on the left, click on "English County Leagues Division 1". On the main part of the screen, double click on "English County Leagues Division 1", look down the list & change "Competition Level" to 10.
On the left, click on "Level 11 Leagues". On the main part of the screen, double click on "Level 11 Leagues", look down the list & change "Competition Level" to 11.
Now, on the top left, click on "database", then lower on the left "competitions", on the main part of the screen, search for "calor", then double click on "Calor Southern League Premier Division". When it opens, on the left select "teams", then on the bottom right there is an option to add a team. The team missing is Hinckley Town who dropped out of the league, you can either add them, or any other english team that arent in another league (they show up as "lower division"
SAVE!!! It is now ready to use, get the tea lady to bring out the fancy biscuits (Milk Chocolate Digestives here), and enjoy!!!
Any problems, let me know but my save is working perfectly fine. If you dont know how to use the editor, I'd happily send a copy of the working version if thats allowed?
Thanks to everyone who put the time and effort in to get this up and running, very impressed to see my local village team in there, which is amazing!
I do have one minor problem, that I am sure is fixable, I have asked around several other forums, but had no reply. When it comes to the playoffs for the Isthmian Prem, Northern Prem and Southern Prem, all leagues get mixed together, when it should only be teams from the same league. I have had a play around with the editor in an attempt to fix it, but to no success. Any suggestions or fixes would be greatly appreciated!
Because i want to play with an under 21 league in England.
Sorry for my bad english...
Alexa Nielsen
I am shocked that you would leave this kind of comment. If you would have stopped for a minute you might have realized all the time that is spent providing this for us. In fact you could have said "hey what information do you need, I'll find it for you" or "I have found some of the missing information for you." Why complain? Obviously you have no idea how much time this takes or that any of the people in here have real lives and work and/or have families and friends they like to be with. Or that they dont always want to spend all their free time to provide something really fun for us, especially when people like you complain.
How about you take the time to create a quality job? Then we'll see what kind of job you do and then criticize it because we feel it isn't complete.
You can be thankful that someone took the time to provide this for us and if it isn't the quality you want; then either don't use it or create it yourself!!~
I would like to thank everyone that takes the time to create anything that make any of the FM games more enjoyable. As for the whiners, please ignore their ignorance...
Lower level teams has no permanent/"real" players which very quickly leads into a problem with finding suitable players for any lower team. Only when new generation of 16 yo's are generated during or after the first season you can get some quality players going. Second season in there's still many teams around with no players and most of the players in lower level teams are 16 - 17 yo kids.
I don't think there's any other way to "fix" this, atleast in few first years in the game, than creating "real" players for every team (which is a gigantic task).
While I don't know much about football or leagues in england, but searching the internet and while fiddling around with the editor, I've realized that relegation rules aren't correct and divisions are just wrong, for example in Level 12 Sussex County Football League doesn't have Division 4, instead you possibly mean Mid Sussex Football League Premier Division but even then most of the teams are wrong and completely missing from the database.
So, to sum it up, unfortunately I have to agree with the previous commentators in that it might be worth the trouble to finish up level 12 and previous level's before going for next levels.
I spent couple of hours with the editor to get a feel of it and I can see how much work has gone into this as it is, and I truly appreciate the effort in any case.
moley moley moley
moley moley moley