- All Level 11 leagues, with correct clubs, cities and stadiums for each with the most recent winners/runners-up for leagues that have charity shield matches
- All Level 11 league cups and the addition of prize money for them. Some league cup competitions have clubs lower than Level 11 taking part as well
- The introduction of the full Professional Development League for both U21/U18 teams
- A modified Conference Youth Alliance with U21 teams (but named as reserves) for clubs taking part in the Conference leagues
- Full Reserve Leagues down to Level 10, again these are U21 teams, but named as reserve teams
- Home matchdays for all clubs down to Level 10
- Level 12 leagues are included, but show up as inactive in the nation rules
18 years ago
4 hours ago
Nice one. How many years have you got in so far in testing?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Nice one. How many years have you got in so far in testing?

10 years in the in-editor tests, everything's working as it should do. You may see the odd clubs moving around the leagues at Level 11, but it's something that I can't make perfect in the editor despite setting boundaries for each league and adding regional divisions for each club.
12 years ago
11 months ago
Hi there,

Brilliant work mate! Truly brilliant :-)

I have one question - when playing online with the database, it seems after approx. a few weeks in-game-time, that we cannot view the inbox. This has only happened when playing with the customized database. We have tried reloading skin, un-tick/tick inbox, re-load save game but nothing seems to work in order to make the messages in the inbox reappear/visible. We can see the small icon stating the number of messages (it dissappears/then show up again), but when clicking on the icon, nothing appear.

Do you guys have a solution to this?

This has not happened while playing a single-player game with the database - only multiplayer (3).

Aside this small issue - thanks for a fantastic job!!
12 years ago
3 days ago
Hello Will, I've encountered one problem. I had a go at starting unemployed and applied for a couple of lower league jobs, only for all of them to say 'The 'x' board have informed you that they will not be considering your application to fill the manager's role as the interview process is over'. I'm even trying in September with no luck and these are the same teams... I even pressed 'apply all' without any luck!

Any way around this?

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