14 years ago
4 hours ago
What is the point in them this year? You rarely get a good reaction from your players and in fact they seem to do much more harm than good, its a lot easier to simply not bother with them. Just 2 mins ago i got a great 3-3 draw with Wigan against Man City, i tell my players after in an assertive manner that 'Everybody thought we would get beaten today, well done for proving them wrong. Great result.' Now you would expect the players to be delighted that their manager was congratulating them on this performance, but nope. Instead they 'switch off' and 'lose focus', complete waste of fucking time and this isn't a moan just for this one match, it happens EVERY SINGLE GAME.

Maybe SI plan in the future to charge us for team talks that actually have a positive effect on our players?
17 years ago
2 months ago
I always choose Individual Passionate - "I have Faith In you" or similar, nothing else seems to work on a consistent basis... :s

So, yeah, a largely pointless feature...
12 years ago
5 years ago
I get on well will the "Calm" options. Just telling them they did well, or very well and so on. Sometimes even the hairdryer talk is working wonders to get them being focussed again. But still: way too many options that might change their mood negatively. How I loved my straight forward talks in FM11 :-(
14 years ago
4 hours ago
I just leave them to Steve Bould now, he rarely gets any reaction though.

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