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When doing the same thing from FM11 > FM12 it worked by finding the FM13 file created within 'Documents' then going through 'db' & 'graphics'. This doesn't seem to work this year as the only files within the FM13 folder are 'sounds', 'games' & 'matches'. I've tried recreating the 'db' folder or pasting the entire folder from FM12 but no luck.
I've also tried playing around with the resource archiver to find the graphics file somewhere on my system, usually within a Sports Interactive folder somewhere within the 'Library' on my Mac, again I can't seem to locate anything that can be un-archived...
Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. Has anybody else managed to amend graphics on Mac? Oh for the days of being able to choose where on my system the game files are stored, gotta love Steam eh?
Many Thanks