Football Manager 2014 Search Filters are a great way for you to find the best players in FM2014. With a search filter you can quickly and easily load various search conditions aimed at finding specific players. What we've done is pre-configure various search filters for every player position and role in Football Manager 2014. So now if you're looking for an advanced forward, a libero, a false nine or a supporting winger you can quickly and easily get a list of players with the necessary attributes to play that role in your FM14 Tactic.
Search filters are very easily to install, once you hit download you will have a file called "sortitoutsi Player Role Filters.pft". Just drop that file into the following location:
C:\Users\{yourname}\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\filters
Now when you load up Football Manager 2014 go to the player search screen as you normally would and click "filter" on the right hand side. Then "manage filters" and then "import". Then select the file called "sortitoutsi Player Role Filters.pft" and click "Select" and then "Ok". Once you've done this you should be able to select "filter" on the right hand side once again and see a list of various player roles from which you choose from. Simply choose one and a search will automatically be made containing the important attributes for that player role.
Search filters are very easily to install, once you hit download you will have a file called "sortitoutsi Player Role Filters.pft". Just drop that file into the following location:
C:\Users\{yourname}\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2014\filters
Now when you load up Football Manager 2014 go to the player search screen as you normally would and click "filter" on the right hand side. Then "manage filters" and then "import". Then select the file called "sortitoutsi Player Role Filters.pft" and click "Select" and then "Ok". Once you've done this you should be able to select "filter" on the right hand side once again and see a list of various player roles from which you choose from. Simply choose one and a search will automatically be made containing the important attributes for that player role.
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Just make the folder yourself
I know you can run a general search in FM for the roles but it is very generic. This gives you that little bit more about the players.
I created `filters` and put the .pft file into it. But when I open `filter manager` & open import with the directory to folder `filters`, there is NOTHING there... Where is the pft file gone????
This would be really useful - I can't seem to see the current file type.