13 years ago
1 month ago

I was just going to see if anyone here could solve a bit of a mistery i've run into!

I play as norwich and is currently in the year of 2019, and 2 seasons ago i got my hands on a French Wonderkid by the name of Jonathan Seguin.

He started developing quite well at the same time as preforming in the main team so i started thinking about getting him a Tutor that could change his personality a bit.

After some searching i managed to sign Pedro (on quite the expansive contract i'd like to add) and now Pedro can't tutor Seguin!?

Pedro is at the old age of 31 while Seguin is only 19 so that should not be the issue as far as i am aware.

Seguin does have the high status of "Indispensable to the club" but Pedro does have the exakt same team status so that should not conflict either.

Here are screenshots of their information screen:

And here is young mr. Seguin's tutoring Sub-window:

Pedro is listed as one of the 19 that doesn't have high enough reputation:

As you could see on the information screen pedro is listed as "Worldwide" and Seguin as "Continental". So it doesn't make any sens to me? Am i missing anything?
13 years ago
4 years ago
I am not totally sure but it may be due to the fact Pedro's personality type is "resolute" where as Seguin's personality type is fairly determined which is higher than Pedro's so the tutoring wouldn't work!
15 years ago
4 months ago
The tutor needs to have a higher squad status than the player you want to be tutored.

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