Cut-Out Player Faces Megapack
Our Cut-Out Faces Megapack is the biggest collection of Football Manager Player Faces available. All players are available in the default cut-out style. When you download our Cut-Out Faces Megapack, you'll receive just under 490,000 player faces to spice up your copy of Football Manager.
- 490,238
- 2025.04 - Released on 11 Mar 2025

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Already done -
There's already a link to the existing photo(s) in your original request... It forwards you to the megapack search tool where you can find any current or old cuts in the pack.
Cleaned up the collar. There was also a huge amount of empty space above his head so I had to upscale the picture as I couldn't find the source.
He is done in huge mixpack with all undone requests by Andr3 and will be in next update,if you want to help with requests in this thread,just go on previous page,and open the spoiler with undone requests.
Here are 3 from me
Many tnx to Jubez and Andr3 for doing some requests
I have been egotistically cutting images I have needed my self... Is there somewhere a list of personnel who have been done, but are pending a release?
Also, where is the huge mixpack? I tried looking through the team request thread, but could not find a download that referred to old spoilers..
Like I said,all old requests are done,only guys from this spoiler (but they are already requested as mixpack on team request list) and from this spoiler are undone.Huge missing mixpack done by Andr3 is here.
Thanks for the link to the mixpack.
I was not asking if some specific requests were done, but if there is one general list of names of the personnel whose images have been completed. Especially of those done but not released yet. Might be a useful tool to have a separete thread where cutters post names and ids of finished work, so it would be easier to keep track on what has been done. The again, perhaps it would just be more work or cause more confusion.
Having now checked the mixpack, I think the above pic is of higher quality.
Always check the latest spoiler including all undone images. That spoiler will include all undone images since the previous spoiler and all undone request from the previous spoiler will then be released as a mixpack which you can find from the teampack request thread. Completed requests will have (or at least should have!) the source image or/and link to the source image removed so it's easy to stay on track.
So to sum it up:
- Anything in the latest spoiler is yet to be done.
- All requests after the latest spoiler are yet to be done, unless the source image or/and link to the source image are removed. Obviously check if the request have been completed very recently and the request maker have not had time to edit the original post yet.
- All other undone requests can be found from the teampack request thread as mixpacks.
And from the spoiler, 2nd one is the Cassio request from a different source
Sure. I did look at a spoiler though, just not the latest one. A whole bunch of images right here (including the one I cut).
Just ignore all but the latest spoiler and anything requested after that. Every time a new spoiler is posted the images left in the previous spoiler will be released as a mixpack in the teampack request forum like said.
If it is an established practice, then it could be worthwhile to add some sort of synopsis about it to the first post.
"All requests from last spoiler are posted as a mixpack in team request thread ". That's what BajaHater posts each and every time he collects the undone images under a new spoiler so it should be quite clear, or has always been to me anyway. I agree that it wouldn't hurt having a say about it in the first post too though.
Naturally it has been clear to you, always. It has not been my intention do many requests, so I have not paid much attention to spoilers which as single posts soon disappear from the newst page anyway. I did take care to read instructions where I found them though. That Stephan Heller had been requested earlier was a mere coincidence which I spotted, and then tried to accommodate in a pertinent manner. Of course there has been no harm done, and its good to have it spelled out how things function here.
Player ID: 18081239
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 18081239
Thank you! Because i'm new here is this face gonna be on the next update or in the big megapack?
Sorry for the long post..
It's gonna be in the next update as always.
Player ID: 16132100
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 16132100
Done by Asket
Player ID: 43112506
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 43112506
Player ID: 78063486
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 78063486
Player ID: 12064887
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 12064887
Player ID: 2018896
Link: Link to picture
Existing Images: Search results for: 2018896
DONE by NiceLad. Thanks!