13 years ago
2 years ago

Don't mean to be a pain if this has been answered time and time again and feel free to move this to the appropriate area if necessary.

I've just bought FM14 recently but can't seem to turn off the 2D and 3D match engines and have it old school like when you had the stadium pics in the background and just the text commentary in the middle through the match. I've searched through a few forums and people are saying make sure you switch to only commentary within preferances>highlights and turn off 3d match which i've done, also i've set it for report but i still get the 2d match with no stadium background pics.

Can you tell me if i'm doing something wrong? In the earlier versions of the game, you could toggle to text only commentary as the match was in play

Appreciate any help

15 years ago
4 months ago
Change the highlight mode to only commentary in preferences > match.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Change the highlight mode to only commentary in preferences > match.

Thanks for the quick reply. I changed it a couple of hours ago to only commentary. Do you think you have to start again with a new game or reload the skin or something? Still shows a 2d match with no background pic, thanks
15 years ago
4 months ago
Is it showing the 2D match engine for replays only?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Is it showing the 2D match engine for replays only?

It's showing it for the whole match, also i've just noticed when you go to the settings in game, the camera is defaulted to 2d but it's greyed out so you can't change it, highlight mode is still set for only commentary but camera is 2d and greyed out. Ta
15 years ago
4 months ago
So you're seeing the little dots running around for 90 minutes?
13 years ago
2 years ago
yeah, that's it. It's like the game isn't picking up 'only commentary' no matter what i do. You can toggle between 3d and 2d fine but can't seem to take them both off to have it old school. The dots running around isnt nearly as fun as the the stadium background pics and the commentary in the middle of the screen. I can't print screen my settings either because that's grayed out as well
15 years ago
4 months ago
Alt + F9 takes screenshots. The files are then in my docs > si > fm2014 > screenshots.

Oh and you can't get the commentary in the middle of the screen, nor the stadiums in the background during the game. The commentary will just be along the bottom of the screen. Then you'll have to decide which view you want to watch while there is no commentary. Something like match ratings would be best, since you can see your players fitness levels there.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Alt + F9 takes screenshots. The files are then in my docs > si > fm2014 > screenshots.

Ah cheers, give me a couple of minutes and i'll upload a pic
15 years ago
4 months ago
Firstly, get Steam online and update the game.

Don't see anything wrong with them match settings. Very odd that it's still showing the 2d match engine instead of only the commentary at the bottom of the screen.
13 years ago
2 years ago
Ah right, so is there no more background stadium pics like in the older versions? Have SI stopped doing them? Gutted
15 years ago
4 months ago
You can get them for outside the match engine, but they don't show in the matches.
13 years ago
2 years ago
You can get them for outside the match engine, but they don't show in the matches.

Used to love them when the match was being played. Gutted they took the ability away, thanks for your help though
18 years ago
3 months ago
Any reason you use 14.1?
13 years ago
2 years ago
no idea, what should it be on?
18 years ago
3 months ago
14.3 Steam will automatically update, did you install the game via steam?
13 years ago
2 years ago
Bought a copy from ebay. Didn't have to install steam, just run the setup. So how do i get a copy of steam?

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