11 years ago
3 years ago
Hi. I have a problem with my database I created.. I restructured scottish football and added the correct dates for transfer windows.. but every year goes up a day.. in january, it is supposed to open on the 1st, im in my fourth season and now it opens on the 4th.. i assume it#ll open on the 5th in my 5th season.. how do i fix this?
Tyrion Lannister
12 years ago
5 years ago
not sure what you mean mate. can you provide screen shots? tbh, why would you care?
11 years ago
3 years ago
not sure what you mean mate. can you provide screen shots? tbh, why would you care?

sorted it thanks. set the transfer window to open on a certain day of the week by mistake, so it opened on a wednesday each year starting on the 1st.. not sure what i mean..?

1st year window january 1st-february 1st
2nd year window january 2nd-february 2nd
3rd year window january 3rd-february 3rd
4th year window january 4th-february 4th

and so on.. why would i care..? i care because that is annoying lol.

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