As many of you, I'm sure, I've stuck with FM13 and I've been orphan of an updated database since LFCMarshall stopped them to focus on FM14. Since then, I've worked on his database to keep it up to date for FM13. It of course includes promotions, relegations, PA/CA changes, transfers, retirements, players/managers career plans, etc. Special thanks to LFCMarshall for his work and permission to share this database with you.
I'll keep updating the file regularly until at least FM15's release. If you have suggestions for me to implement, here's the thread:
Last updated: 26/07/2014
Known issues:
- Loans may still be in effect
- Minor leagues may not been updated. Only England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Portugal have been so far.
- League format changes haven't been implemented, as it is a real pain in the ass to edit (you basically have to redo all of the league rules from scratch). So, for example, there are still 20 teams in the National (French 3rd tier) instead of 18, which led to some teams being arbitrarily promoted.
- Download and extract the .rar to: Documents/Sports Interactive/FM13/editor data
- If there is no editor data folder, simply create one inside the FM13 folder.
- Once in game: Press new game, on the box that appears tick the little tick box bottom right to 'change' database - choose my update on the next screen.
Mac Users:
Download and place the files into: ( MAC already extracts the file automatically )
Macintosh HD/userss/Name.../Documents/ SI / FM13 /editor data... create a editor data folder if there is not one
Then Start a new game. a box will appear when you click new game. Bottom right of that is a change button. tick it and continue, Next screen tick "Summer 2014 Update"... Then continue as usual.
I'll keep updating the file regularly until at least FM15's release. If you have suggestions for me to implement, here's the thread:
Last updated: 26/07/2014
Known issues:
- Loans may still be in effect
- Minor leagues may not been updated. Only England, Spain, France, Italy, Germany and Portugal have been so far.
- League format changes haven't been implemented, as it is a real pain in the ass to edit (you basically have to redo all of the league rules from scratch). So, for example, there are still 20 teams in the National (French 3rd tier) instead of 18, which led to some teams being arbitrarily promoted.
- Download and extract the .rar to: Documents/Sports Interactive/FM13/editor data
- If there is no editor data folder, simply create one inside the FM13 folder.
- Once in game: Press new game, on the box that appears tick the little tick box bottom right to 'change' database - choose my update on the next screen.
Mac Users:
Download and place the files into: ( MAC already extracts the file automatically )
Macintosh HD/userss/Name.../Documents/ SI / FM13 /editor data... create a editor data folder if there is not one
Then Start a new game. a box will appear when you click new game. Bottom right of that is a change button. tick it and continue, Next screen tick "Summer 2014 Update"... Then continue as usual.
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I tried to load this database and every time I start new game and load lonelyknights FM2013 has a main crash. I even don't reach the nation panel to choose them.
I use mac and run 13.3.3 as well and I usually edit my own database and never happened to me this.
I also tried to check if there are error on the database through the editor and there are some error but I don't know what to fix it.
Can you help me?
thank you.
As for the rest, I mentioned somewhere else that my computer broke late July, so I wasn't able to continue updating the file. But half done is better than nothing, isn't it?
thank you for your answer!
I already tried that and already even changed the name and still crashes completely ( it doesn't block..it blows up) when loading the database. I've tried in 2 different mac's with no problem and more than enough "power" to do it. Any other suggestions?
Regarding the update I think everyone that works on updating databases always do a good job as they do it for fun and to make other people enjoying more the game.
I can't say much to help you other than that. All I know for a fact is that the database should run fine on every computer - though of course it isn't up to date anymore. There hasn't been a true and complete dysfunctionment reported to me yet, as there shouldn't be one: databases can't cause the game to crash.
I place the XML file where you say, but when asked to choose which database to run the only options are the Sports Interactive official ones.
Any help appreciated.
The directory is "Football Manager 2013", not "fm13" like I wrote in my post to make it short. Might solve your problem.
While I'm at it, someone (jomo023) has continued my work (and LFCMarshall's) for an updated database. I'd like to have some people try the new file out and give feedback before I update the whole thread myself though. Here is the download link.
Thanks for your swift reply, got it working
If I download the update linked, what do I have to do with it to get it working please?
Do the same as for the other file, and when you load a new game, tick the new update but not the old one.
Which file did you download? The one in the original post or the last one I linked?
I already mentioned I had to drop the update in late July as my computer stopped working, hard to keep updating the file since you'll admit, but someone told me they pursued the update and I linked his file a little earlier in the thread. Couldn't try it myself though, so I don't know what it's worth.
andrew karam