11 years ago
6 years ago
ver 14.2.2, Arsenal Omega skin,

i played 3 warm up games between my 1st n second to get them both fit and to see of the young ones improved playing against the 1st team and for the first time ever, because i did not have enough players to put out two full sides + res, it created regens, but not crap ones, it created 2 excellent 17yrs old, one in each of the first two matches that i took charge of myself

is this common, have i stumbled into something everyone else knows about?

i cant get my arsenal team to deliver regens this way, maybe too many real time players, has something been changed? i use SLI EVGA cards for the first time and get two gems for aberdeen, coincidence of course

every time my world class arsenal youth coaches or development team bring in an intake, it's utterly rubbish, even with constand upgrades
11 years ago
6 years ago
no replies,, mmmmm
Outlaw King
16 years ago
21 hours ago
As far as I can tell it's ur Donald Duck mate
15 years ago
4 months ago
It's a bug in the version of the game you're playing. Update the game. If you can afford two new graphics cards, you can afford the game.
14 years ago
1 year ago
ive never really took any notice but i will from now on and i will let you know if it happens with any of the teams i try it with
11 years ago
6 years ago
It's a bug in the version of the game you're playing. Update the game. If you can afford two new graphics cards, you can afford the game.

i'm pleased you are aware of my financial position...

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