And place the file into the editor data folder. DO NOT TRY AND OPEN THE FILE

so here it is LEVEL 12 English database by FMN85.
FA Cup Preliminary Rounds are included with updated prize money
also County cups.
this is the only level 12 around. i will be working on level 13 soon. any questions or problems please come across to my group-
11 years ago
8 years ago
The stadium for Sunderland West End is Ford Quarry Complex which is in Sunderland. Home strip is Red Shirts, Black Shorts and Red Socks. Away kit is Blue Shirts, Blue Shorts and Blue Socks.
11 years ago
8 years ago
Hi FMN85, let me say this is awsome work and i am sorry voase has been stealing it from you.
I started a save with Sunderland West End (i did a random pick, and they equip like atl madrid wich is cool) but i realised there is no infrastructures and/or stadium in this club... Can you help out? I wont be able to have my own club stadium is that it?
Cheers and keep up the good work.
Ford Quarry Complex - Name of Sunderland West End's stadium
Shreeraj Salunke
10 years ago
9 years ago
the game keeps crashing at 9 july what do i do?
15 years ago
5 days ago
Yes this update has been fixed for 14.3. no one else is having any problems

yes they are fa cup ryman premier to many fa cup teams, really if you cant do it right, dont do it.............
11 years ago
8 months ago
Great job. I always like playing the lower leagues, even though most of the players are regens.

Anyway, i decided to play as Tarporley Victoria. Then i decided i couldn't play with the default colours so watched some YouTube Photoshop tutorials and created their logo, kit and 3D kits.
Findng pictures was difficult, so i have created thier Home kits based on the 2007/2008(?) season and their new away kit based on 2014/2015 from their Facebook page, but don't know what the back looks like. It's my first attempt and i couldn't get the colours vibrant enough, so it isn't perfect, but hey, better than playing with default.

Time allowing (and as long as i don't get bored, i may look at doing some of the other clubs in the Cheshire League Div 2).
11 years ago
1 year ago
I only ever play the game with this database these days so I was wondering how soon after the release date we can expect it to work with FM15?
12 years ago
1 month ago
hi will this work for the new fm 2015
12 years ago
1 month ago
I only ever play the game with this database these days so I was wondering how soon after the release date we can expect it to work with FM15?

same question i would like to know does anybody know?
17 years ago
4 months ago
I've only just downloaded this and really don't have an idea on how to install it. Any help would be great

Cheers Harry
The Kraken
13 years ago
10 years ago
why isnt this standard on an actuall fm release????
michael keating
12 years ago
2 years ago
Not working for Football Manager 2015. Saying there are too many teams in leagues.
7 years ago
7 years ago
keep up the good work. please is this for FM12? please i need latest players and transfers for FM12

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