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Torquay would be again another interesting save, see how you can get them up the footballing lader! I think a United save could be popular this year around!
Probably only last a week
And by that stage, you'll be on your third career.
This is true! Last thing I want is to have to buy a new lappy to be able to play this game!
Outlaw King
1. Celtic
2. Arsenal
3. Man Utd or Chelsea
4. Back to Celtic for the January update
Would be interesting to play either Hearts or Hibs to try and beat Rangers in the Championship, should be a good challenge.
My hometown team (Hamilton) have a great youth setup so another potential good career!
Never really venture outwith the UK so need to get my finger out with that!
Everyone likes a career where you can just spend big now and again!
Always good to eventually venture out of England, try Italy or Spain, not too much different than the English game
the insider
Found myself in the Ukrainian 2nd Division with Olympic Donesk on FM14 so will hopefully do something similar this time round. Like the variety and the addition/removal of leagues makes for a potentially fantastic career.
Want to have a save with a couple of friends, succession style. May write a bit on it if it goes anywhere as it could be a good laugh. Not sure what type of game works well with the succession types, need to have a team with lower expectations and perhaps a half decent youth academy. Thoughts?
As we're going through a period of 'transition' it will be a challenge to compete in the CL groups. League should be a walk in the park (unlike real life). Lots of deadwood so room for a squad revolution. Wont start until the end of the first season though as I tend to take a few restarts to get a save going that I like.
2. Aston Villa
Really like the look of their squad this year. Still go the youthful element to it but added (not the greatest) experienced players. I feel the squad had room for a good long term transfer strategy. Europa League in 4/5 seasons?
3. Celtic - Post January Update (depending on transfers)
If we actually manage to bring in some quality players that improve the squad then I'll start a new game if not I'll continue with the original.
As said Man United saves will be popular this year
That sounds good, been a couple interesting saves in France on this years version
Good, they are always fun to follow
Fair enough, I enjoy loading as many leagues as possible and having a run around the lesser known and used countries!
Ukraine is a fun place to manage, its good seeing other people manage there! We usually have a couple of succession saves on the site so be good to see another one, someone like west ham or southampton with those expectations and youth facilities?
Ah sounds a tough and interesting stint!
You and your Celtic saves eh!
the insider
Also you will probably know Dan, how is the manager points system recorded?
On mine it only ever has my first saves points on there then nothing else.
I think the best part of any fm is taking a team from the lowest division in that country up to the top league and not only getting them into the champions league but trying to win it and then defend your title. Sadly tho since fm2005 I've found it's tougher and tougher to get this goal in recent FM's I'd probs say fm14 has seemed like the slowest fm for processing speed. I've got a pretty fast pc so I know it's not my computer but as same as most of us are irl with our football clubs at the start of the new season and at the start of a new fm I'm always optimistic that this will be the best fm so far (fingers crossed)