Barry Proctor
12 years ago
4 days ago
Would it be possible to use a database from FM2014 in FM2015 as I have the expanded welsh league database that I want to continue to use in FM2015 when released. Any help be appreciated.

Thank you
14 years ago
17 hours ago
I'm no expert on this but i don't believe you can, though i'm sure someone that makes updates will know for certain.
Barry Proctor
12 years ago
4 days ago
I'm no expert on this but i don't believe you can, though i'm sure someone that makes updates will know for certain.

Ok asking as I have spent considerable time creating my local team with all the players and don't want to start all over again.
Deleted Account #151676
Certain changes database changes such as player histories, favourite clubs/people and places of birth can be carried over. however league restructuring can't.
Barry Proctor
12 years ago
4 days ago
Certain changes database changes such as player histories, favourite clubs/people and places of birth can be carried over. however league restructuring can't.

Ok thank you, if a database is made for lower league structure in Welsh league on the FM2015 editor could I merge the database I have from FM2014 to carry over the club and players I have created?
Deleted Account #151676
I'm not sure, possibly, however the risk of it causing errors within the database will likely be much higher than if you did it from scratch on the new editor.

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