Play within the ninth level of english football... the "great escape" from the County Leagues begin!

With this file, you can find:

- Premier Divisions
- Prime Divisions
- County Leagues
- FA Vase*
- Southern League Cup*

* Dates and format may not be accurate to 100%, but we tried to replicate the rules as real as possible

Plus, we have recreated the fixtures for the Barclays Premier League and updated the results up to Game 10


After the download, put the file into:

C:/Documents and Settings/Users/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/editor data*

*create the folder if doesn't exist

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13 years ago
7 months ago
Hello everybody! Just two words on the file: I don't know if all the rules are correct (I've used the info I had found) and I would like to have some feedbacks on the file so I can update it and make it more realistic.

Any suggestion or criticism would be appreciated!

Thanks to all
12 years ago
1 month ago
doesnt work for says ''warning cannot find setup_ decipline_rules funcion for rule group''
13 years ago
7 months ago
It's a problem already submitted to SI... they have said "click on OK and it will disappear"
FM Rogue
10 years ago
10 years ago
Yeah thanks I've been looking for this, when the error pops up I just keep clicking 'ok' and it goes then.
11 years ago
1 year ago
It doesn't work for me.It doesn't let me create a manager or use an existing one.
11 years ago
1 week ago
The file is just empty?
14 years ago
1 year ago
I'm having the same issue as it appears the above are. When attempting the download the file appears empty, I use a Mac, whether or not that makes a difference, but I am told that no application can find/locate/download the file.

Is it possible for a torrent / media file share link possibly?
12 years ago
1 month ago
works fine for me now
12 years ago
3 years ago
can someone help me
12 years ago
3 years ago
can someone help me
15 years ago
4 years ago
It's a problem already submitted to SI... they have said "click on OK and it will disappear"

I've worked out a fix for this!

If you use the advanced editor, delete the blank (only the blank) discipline rules under the nation name, and there will be no annoying error messages.
13 years ago
7 months ago
I've tried to download the file and there are any problem with the file! After I've insert the file into the editor data folder, It work fine with the editor and in the game (just tried)

For people with errors, can you tell me what you have done with the file?

@Morrissey: I will take a look to this
11 years ago
1 week ago
The folder is just empty. I download it and open the file and there is nothing there. Four times I've tried.
13 years ago
2 days ago
Im having same prob as LoitaWantedit Downloaded file is empty
13 years ago
7 months ago
But how are you trying to open the file?
13 years ago
2 weeks ago
it works for me i havent done a season yet, i hope it doesnt crash after first season
13 years ago
7 months ago
it works for me i havent done a season yet, i hope it doesnt crash after first season

I've tested it for a couple of seasons and it works fine
11 years ago
1 week ago
Open it as in I click what I download, like so
13 years ago
7 months ago
I will upload it without the zip file, so you shouldn't have problems; I will also fix that error
Deleted Account #151676
Will you be doing a more detailed version with league cups such as the Northern League cup and the Peter Swales shield?
14 years ago
1 year ago
The file appears to be 4KB which is surely too small? There is nothing that appears to be able to open the file also, once unzipped it appears as a blank file. I haven't added files to 'Jazz' up my FM for a few years but haven't had any issues with kits/logo's and such.

I'm sure this is probably just me being an idiot here

Did a quick video too if it helps, just shows how open attempting to open the file it fails.

View My Video
13 years ago
7 months ago
Yes, the file is small (the new format of the editor data makes it small); I will upload a new version in less than hour without the zip

@Rick87: can you send me info about the cups? So I can work on them (and maybe on other tiers of english football)
13 years ago
7 months ago
File updated! We removed the error of the first version (thanks to Morrissey for the advice); we have also created the fixtures for the Barclays Premier League and update the results up to Game 10. We have also uploaded the fmf file directly (without the zip); when you have downloaded, put the file into the editor data folder and load it into the game

Thanks for the feedback guys Keep report me errors or advices and I will provide to update the file
14 years ago
1 year ago
It now works for me after the latest updates and file changes. Many thanks!

Without coming across as greedy now Does anyone know if kits for the lower leagues are likely / in progress?
16 years ago
15 hours ago
Hi ArchaonDaniels.....Just posted this question on SI's forum, but thought I might find you quicker in here:

Do you have the BPL fixtures as a stand alone download? I loved the Lower league edit you created (creating a Horsham save) and will use that for one of my saves, but was wondering if you could release the BPL fixtures by themselves.....thanks.

Interesting Experience: I went to create a separate Arsenal save and when choosing countries to play, England is not available to choose...with a red triangle error symbol....the error message said it only found 21 of 22 teams in one of the leagues.....I immediately pulled your database from the data editor folder and had to Verify Game Integrity via Steam....I can choose England again, but am afraid to try it with your database again......but I will try it again since I want it to succeed. Will let you know if it happens again.
13 years ago
7 months ago
@Onyewu: I've using the DB but I haven't problems, I will try it again to be sure
16 years ago
15 hours ago
I haven't had a chance to play this week, but at least I was able to set up the save games.....when I tested it last week before my issue I didn't have any problems in-game, so I assume it will be clear skies from here. Thanks!!!
11 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, I've been using this database for the lower levels and its been great so far, the only slight problem I have come across is there being no FA Cup Round 1, some teams in level 8 start in Rnd 2, others do not. Also the same for the FA Vase.

Thoroughly enjoying the database but I think the lack of FA Cup/Vase for the lower levels puts a bit of a cap on it due to the financial benefits of progressing.

13 years ago
7 months ago
Hi, I've been using this database for the lower levels and its been great so far, the only slight problem I have come across is there being no FA Cup Round 1, some teams in level 8 start in Rnd 2, others do not. Also the same for the FA Vase.

Thoroughly enjoying the database but I think the lack of FA Cup/Vase for the lower levels puts a bit of a cap on it due to the financial benefits of progressing.


I will include this in the update of the file
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
Thanks for this file! It works fine for me!

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