17 years ago
4 days ago
is there an addon for fm15 for scottish junior football yet?
18 years ago
4 months ago
Deleted Account #151676
Shedender; That's just highland & lowland leagues, it doesn't include junior, amature or welfare leagues.
17 years ago
4 days ago
amateur and welfare would be ready by the time fm22 comes out lol
Deleted Account #151676
There was one with amature and welfare included either on FM14 or 13', can't remember which. either way, just keep checking the updates section of the board, Scotlands a popular place to manage, especially now you can go from non-league in to SFL so one is bound to come along before too long.
17 years ago
4 days ago
yeah was on last fm,

there are amateur teams on it but not playable
15 years ago
4 years ago

Hey folks!

I've just made it to the bottom of the pyramid, the juniors will be next up in my database! The v15.0.2 release this week will include the East of Scotland and South of Scotland Leagues, then I'll hopefully have the main junior leagues done and released before Christmas.

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