How to install
- If you are using any skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\USING SKINS\panels' folder.
- If you don't have skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\panels' folder.

Resolution compatible with Standard Size 100% No Zoom for Full Screen and Window Mode
1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768
1366x768, 1360x1024, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200
Update 1 30/10/2014
- Support Windows Mode
Update 2 05/11/2014 02:57am
- New all files in 'Base Files' folder
- New all files for 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x768, 1024x768 resolution
- Add new style to all resolutions
- Support player picture size 250x310
- Max player picture size 300x310 for higher than 1600x900 resolutions
Update 2 05/11/2014 05:55am
- Fix all 'player overview panel.xml' files in 'New_style' folder, because show recent attributes checkbox not save
- If you are using any skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\skins\USING SKINS\panels' folder.
- If you don't have skins.
Copy only '.xml' files in 'Base Files' and 'Resolutions' folder to 'Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2015\panels' folder.

Resolution compatible with Standard Size 100% No Zoom for Full Screen and Window Mode
1024x768, 1152x864, 1280x768, 1280x800, 1280x960, 1280x1024, 1360x768
1366x768, 1360x1024, 1440x900, 1600x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1080, 1920x1200
Update 1 30/10/2014
- Support Windows Mode
Update 2 05/11/2014 02:57am
- New all files in 'Base Files' folder
- New all files for 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x768, 1024x768 resolution
- Add new style to all resolutions
- Support player picture size 250x310
- Max player picture size 300x310 for higher than 1600x900 resolutions
Update 2 05/11/2014 05:55am
- Fix all 'player overview panel.xml' files in 'New_style' folder, because show recent attributes checkbox not save
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and here i can't see player attrributes,among other things.....but only thing important is attributes..
maybe you use wrong file for 1024x768 ?
your pic have 10 panel but my pic have 8 panel
(hopefully you can view pic below)
The long vertical panel takes up about 1/4 of the screen.
This occurs in both Windowed mode and Full Screen 1920x1080 (native) mode as well as 1680x1050 and 1600x900 mode.
I have the zoom setting at standard 100% and have cleared the cache on each reset.
I have the Scorpio skin loaded for FM15
I have renamed the pasted Resolutions folder from "1-Resoutions" to just "Resolutions" - with the same result.
I do not see this version in any of the sample screen shots you provided within the resolution folder.
Your pic request password.
Copy only .xml files in 'base_files' and .xml files in 'Resolutions' folder to your 'panels' folder, Don't copy folder
I was loading the entire "Resolution" folder based on the instructions.
When I pasted in an .xml file from the resolution I wanted all worked well.
I was also able to load up the 1920x1080 in 125% zoom.
Thanks Again !
- New all 'Base Files'
- New all files for 1360x768, 1366x768, 1280x768, 1024x768 resolution
- Add new style to all resolutions
- Support player picture size 250x310
- Max player picture size 300x310 for higher than 1600x900 resolutions
Please greater (180x180) panel coaching staff.
- Fix all 'player overview panel.xml' in 'New_style' folder, because show recent attributes checkbox not save
everything works great..but players who have slightly hidden atributtes and need scouting ,atributtes are not shown perfectly..looks like box is just a little too small for that..like few pixels less than it should be...
my monitor is 1680x1050 and i've picked that resolution
basically this is what i've picked..
did i've done something wrong?
Sorry for this problem because i didn't test this panels in disable attributes mode
Here fixed files for you https://db.tt/o8SftOiw
Why you image size 1024x768 if you play on 1680x1050 ?
as i know,all of my friends also play in windowed mode 1024x768
i have tested this now,works perfectly
thank you
now i'm waiting for your other stuff like u did in fm14 ...you are the best!
Playing on 1600*900 windowed, the attributes for all players seem to have disappeared. Oddly they were there when I first installed the panels during a match.
EDIT - it seems that the first time I log on, I'll see the first player's attributes but then all subsequent players that I click on have the blank box shown.
Any idea why I can't see the profile pics?
Open file 'a player attributes panel overview.xml'
Scroll down to <container height="250"> under <widget class="picture" file="dividers/standard/horizontal/line" height="1"/>
Change 250 to lower value
And 'a player stats panel.xml'
Change row_height="19" to 18
A less important question, how would I place the competition stats from the bottom to the top (blue box)? Obviously it is wider than the panel it would go in place of, which would need the panel next to it reducing.
Again, really appreciate your work.
Red Box
Open 'player overview panel.xml'
Scroll down to <!-- Extra column to the right -->
Blue Box
Go to <!-- Bottom row -->
Go to <!-- Top row -->
Go to <!-- Top row -->
Paste this code
After line
Before line
In <!-- 1 -->
Thanks for this. Unfortunately I couldn't get it to work without needing a scroll bar to see the attributes at the bottom of the list. A bit annoying as there's free space at the bottom of the panel but not a big deal.
Free space at the bottom of attributes or other ? Screenshot ?
Fix scroll bar
Open 'aa player profile technical attributes.xml' , 'aa player profile mental attributes.xml' , 'a player profile physical attributes overview.xml'
Change 'row_height' to 17 or 16 or 15
If you have free space bottom of attributes, it mean you edit 'container height' in 'a player attributes panel overview.xml' too low value.
When you edit 'container height' to low, Yellow Box (Content) will reduce size and attributes will appear.
But you will have scroll bar to see all attributes, So you need edit attributes 'row_height' to 17 or 16 or 15 for fix scroll bar.
Blue = player overview panel.xml
Yellow = a player attributes panel overview.xml
Red 1 = aa player profile technical attributes.xml
Red 2 = aa player profile mental attributes.xml
Red 3 = a player profile physical attributes overview.xml
To my untrained eye, it seems like I should be extending the yellow box in your key above. However, when I set the height to anything greater than 220, the attributes will disappear from the second profile I choose and every profile from then on (bizarrely, they always appear the first time).
Very much appreciated
I think this file can fix your problem.
Backup your 5 files before use this.
Thanks very much but sadly no. The panel shows perfectly on the first profile that I try but all subsequent profiles it just goes blank again.
I can't understand why it would show on the first profile but not after that. It's all very odd.
Try Clear cache and Reload skin
Why would it should ok on the first profile but then fail for every subsequent profile? What changes?
Is there a way I can enlarge the circled bit. I believe it's called 'Attribute Analysis'. I like where it is, right beside the player's face etc but I just want to make it bigger to bring it in line with the size of the player's picture. Is this possible?
If so, would someone mind explaining how to do that for me? Thanks.
Any ideas? The pics don't show on any of the players now