Play within the ninth level of english football... the "great escape" from the County Leagues begin!

With this file, you can find:

- Premier Divisions
- Prime Divisions
- County Leagues
- FA Vase*
- Southern League Cup*

* Dates and format may not be accurate to 100%, but we tried to replicate the rules as real as possible

Plus, we have recreated the fixtures for the Barclays Premier League and updated the results up to Game 10


After the download, put the file into:

C:/Documents and Settings/Users/Documents/Sports Interactive/Football Manager 2015/editor data*

*create the folder if doesn't exist

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15 years ago
1 hour ago
Great work as usual guys.....been using this for a while now....PERFECT
13 years ago
1 year ago
Hi just to let you know I won the Capital one cup with Wigan in 2014-15 the following season I was not in the Europa League. Think It my be a error in your database.
Robert Owen
11 years ago
1 month ago
Hi Ive being playing as Darlington and now Guisborough and in both case I have not been entered in my first season in the Fa Cup. I have simmed it with out me being any teams and Darlington were it in. When your update comes out will I need to start a new save?
12 years ago
2 years ago
Hi, I have downloaded this file and I was just wondering if there are any name fixes for it? I'm over the moon about managing north shields
18 years ago
3 months ago
Anyone else having trouble with no fixtures being released in England for the 15/16 season?
12 years ago
1 month ago
Anyone else having trouble with no fixtures being released in England for the 15/16 season?

yes me
Deleted Account #215144
Anyone else having trouble with no fixtures being released in England for the 15/16 season?

I think it's because they set "use specified fixtures" instead setting fixtures for the year 2014 in advanced rules

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