12 years ago
1 week ago
Hi, just have a quick question. Are you able to use the editor to change a nations region, from say Europe to Asia, etc? I'm sure previous versions allowed this but I cant seem to get it to work this time.....
12 years ago
9 years ago
Just edit the file nation.xml which is in... editor\data\format\database

Look for:
<!-- Continent -->
<flags id="field" value="Ncti"/>
<string id="name" value="Continent"/>
<flags id="type" value="database_record_unique_id"/>
<flags id="database_table_type" value="continent"/>
<boolean id="is_client_field" value="true"/>
<boolean id="is_read_only" value="true"/>
<boolean id="is_optional" value="true"/>

Change the word true to false, restart it and now you can change continents.

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