10 years ago
2 weeks ago
think I have finally found the tactic that Liverpool use.

at first glance you will notice that there is no out and out striker, sterling will act as the striker from an advanced midfield position as the shadow striker.
Jamie Carrager said after the man city match on sunday about liverpool having an extra man in midfield, so this got me thinking.

The wide left and right players are inside forwards so they cut across to the centre with the ball.
this is an early draft and any further adjustments are welcome.
13 years ago
4 months ago
No midfielder who protects the defence, you will concede a lot.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
The MCL is a DLP with suport, a defencively minded player (Stevie G) is perfect in that roll.
MCR is a Roaming Playmaker
You can change the central AM shaddow striker to a striker position if you use false 9.
3 central defenders are ball paying defenders with centre of the 3 having the cover duty
Sweeper keeper is a must have

Havent figured out the wide midfielders rolls and duties yet, at the moment they are on auto which seems to be working fine.

Just beat man u 4-1 with this tactic, top of the table with 3 wins,13 goals scored and 3 conceded.
13 years ago
4 months ago
Interesting, yes i see the DLP, but hes not even on defend, so not much help in defence, you dont have a "destroyer" type of player like Lucas for Liverpool, there is no role fit for him. Please show photos of the results when you get through the season, and what is your average possession?
18 years ago
1 month ago
I'd say Liverpool's central 2 were a mixture of CM(d) for the Joe Allen role and BBM(s) for Henderson.

Although when Gerrard plays it is more of a CM(s) for Gerrard and BBM(s) - probably explains why they're winning more when Gerrard isn't playing this year.

Interesting tactic though, I want to play 3-4-3 on FM but fear it'll be shit.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
It is really working, the opposition just cant cope with the extra man in midfield, even if u have the striker as a false 9 he mostly acts like a Shadow striker and sits deeps between the wide inside forwards. Will post some screen shots soon.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
10 years ago
3 months ago
Can you post the individual player instructions you use, I want to try this out. cheers.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
to be honest i don't use individual player instructions, i normally just assign the main position duty because i don't want to over complicate things unless
if someone has got any good suggestions on individual instructions.
10 years ago
3 months ago
I tried it out for a couple of games (as Liverpool) to keep my tactics fresh, Had a H 1-0 win against Chelsea then a H 4-0 win against Swansea. I felt it worked quite well considering I have hardly trained in the formation and the squad was at Awkward familiarity with it. I made one small tweak which was to change the deep lying playmaker's duty to defend.

Also, I didn't put any individual instructions as you suggested.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
or i have found to have him as a central midfielder with a defend duty. perfect for stevie g
10 years ago
2 weeks ago

balotelli in the false 9 duty, scored a hat-trick.
10 years ago
3 months ago
had a very nice win H 5-2 against barca in the champions league, made another small tweak to play Sturridge, changed the shadow striker to a deep lying forward support. Really liking this formation
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
that is a good idea but the false 9 is better i think, it keeps the main striker doing midfield roles to keep that extra man in midfield.
I am liking this formation as well, I wonder if it will work with other teams lower down.
Deleted Account #337576
so are you going to release this tactic for other people please
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
bredan rogers 3-4-3 shadow striker and 3-4-3 False 9
Deleted Account #337576
thank you very much
10 years ago
3 months ago
A suggestion for an individual instruction i found helpful, set the goalie to distribute to centre backs. Tactic is working nicely, won league cup final against united.
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
thanks, also roll it out works as well for keeper instructions.
i think we just cracked this game, lol

i am experimenting the sit narrower instruction for both wide inside forwards.

those are the latest tactics, i have also reworked the set pieces.
Deleted Account #337576
are these the same ones as you gave me on here our have u updated them more since last night if so could u give me them again please
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
More up to date with set pieces intructions
Deleted Account #337576
Is there any chance u can put them on here for me please as i dont know how to get them of steam many thanks
10 years ago
2 weeks ago
I have posted them to the main forum.

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