13 years ago
2 years ago
I've been hugely reluctant to try out FM Classic until now, but I forced myself to when I couldn't get into any game on the normal full fat version. I'm really enjoying it so far, mainly because of the way faster setup time and the reduced role of interactions (which I think SI has made a bit unrealistic), but it strikes me it's way easier. As in, I've always needed to have multiple tactics on the go in normal FM, constantly changing stuff, but I've only ever used one tactic in FM Classic and I'm dominating the Prem with Arsenal. In normal FM, I struggled to stay in a job. If the match engine is the same, why is this?
18 years ago
1 month ago
Correct me if I am wrong, sure Miles said FMC was there for pick up and play and to cut down on the full game. I've not really used it, haven't enjoyed it when I have to be honest. Some people I know swear by it because it is just easier for them to pick up and play.
11 years ago
2 weeks ago
I play both game modes the same amount and I don't find either mode easier than the other. Its Pretty much as Cymro said really, FMC is just a simplified version of the normal mode. Things like one question press conferences, option to get an instant result, less staff and stuff like that.
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
I find it way too light and fluffy for me, I can normally blast through the FM seasons so it doesn't make too much of a difference. I haven't looked at it in a while but I think it was the reduced scouting that eventually turned me off for playing it for any length of time.

I like the overall idea of it however, especially in regards to you acting more as a Director of Football rather than a Football Manager. If we could specify what detail we wanted the features to have (Light, Medium, Full) then I'd probably give it more of a chance, as I'd strip away the tactics and press conferences and go full in on scouting and contract renewal side of things.
18 years ago
2 years ago
Definitely a good idea to have FMC, and I did used to play it, but after I got back into full FM I just couldn't play on FMC anymore.

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