13 years ago
1 year ago
Every year I play football manager I want a good legends database to play, however I usually come across a few, but end up creating my own, which sometimes can range from 50-200 players added.

After thinking about it, the main reasons I don't download others is because there are quite a few but they all have different issues (from my point of view) I'm not taking anything away from the makers because a lot of the time they achieve what they wanted and the database is done how they want.

My preference is I generally only want to use players from 90's onwards. (Maybe throw pele in their) but a lot of the time using a lot of players I have barely even seen a video of just doesn't do it for me. Secondly the databases that have current legends can be a bit disjointed. (Ie innacurate regarding plates heights and personal info)

I feel we can all come together (for fm2016) and create different legends databases by using the (combining databases)

First of all if somebody who is really interested in creating a large database of legends could first of all set up a template by adding all players and their personal info, and crating a 'legends team' (not making any other changes to clubs or entering it into any competitions) this would be great for everybody to use. Eg all the legends would be listed under one team on the database

I for example could then use this template and delete any players (or make them non players) who I don't want in my database, and add them to each club I wanted and make my changes to the players and clubs that I wanted.

For example I would create a legends database from 90's to the current day, so I could put the players to the correct clubs and change each club etc.

Also I would like create a database where the legends all started out as youngsters. So I would load up the template, change each players to have a low current ability, and be able to make sure I had changed each legend (by searching for them under the legends club) and putting them to the club they started at, so I would have created a current day database with legends as youngsters.

I would then have created two different databases, from one template, the template would not only save me time, but make sure all the personal details of each player are correct (and probably make
Sure if didnt miss anyone out)

Now that's 2 that I would do, so if you imagine everyone who creates a legends database worked from this template, then the quality of each legends database would be much much better, just from us all using one template. There would also be plenty of different ones (eg my legends 90-current day) someone else may create one where they have legends from every era, people could even create certain periods from the templates. People could even create Classic teams easier and better, eg Man U from 99 as they have all the players templates there, and they would be able to delet all the others with ease as they are easy to find in be database.

I would suggest creating each legend as a new person so they don't have any history or anything linked to them, plus if I wanted to delete cristiano ronaldo (as a 17 year old legend) I still have the current Ronaldo in the game without having to create him again

What's everyone's thoughts on this? It works on other games.

Also if people agree then can we post this on as many forums as possible and try and come together and create even better custom databases
Sheriff Skacel
10 years ago
1 year ago
I like the idea of it, its something I've pursued in the past too. On FM10 I got pretty deep into recreating the 79/80 season before my PC decided to corrupt itself and I lost everything. On FM14 I also started to copy over the CM 01/02 DB into FM through just recreating players and manually copying the CM 01/02 stats.

Its a great idea but its a question of free time, it takes a hell of a lot of time and commitment to pull something like this off. What you really need is 1 guy leading the way and taking ownership of it, someone with plenty of free time and know-how. If that doesn't happen then you'll get what you pointed out, an inconsistent DB of 50-200 players.

Just the other week I set about recreating the 03/04 season in FIFA, recreated Arsenal, got onto Villa and then discovered FIFA has a limit of 30 created players. Heart breaking.
13 years ago
1 year ago
I like the idea of it, its something I've pursued in the past too. On FM10 I got pretty deep into recreating the 79/80 season before my PC decided to corrupt itself and I lost everything. On FM14 I also started to copy over the CM 01/02 DB into FM through just recreating players and manually copying the CM 01/02 stats.

Its a great idea but its a question of free time, it takes a hell of a lot of time and commitment to pull something like this off. What you really need is 1 guy leading the way and taking ownership of it, someone with plenty of free time and know-how. If that doesn't happen then you'll get what you pointed out, an inconsistent DB of 50-200 players.

Just the other week I set about recreating the 03/04 season in FIFA, recreated Arsenal, got onto Villa and then discovered FIFA has a limit of 30 created players. Heart breaking.

I'm pretty much like you, love to edit different games, I've done the same with FIFA, all previous football manager games etc.

That's the whole idea, one person to make a template of players, but add one legends team and put them all to that club (so each person using the template could easily find all the players created) That's the important bit, if they do it correctly then we will have a template for everyone to work off of

Each individual database may have different stars or whatever but you won't get a 6'3 messi,

Plus the time saved by not having to create the player profiles means people could make great databases. I think a lot of people do 50-200, but get pretty much bored after the first so many and then the data is incosistant.

If only we were able to import players created from previous versions.

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