15 years ago
3 years ago
Hey, so I looked around, did a bit of googling and haven't found anyone with the same problem;

I downloaded a nice new logo (amongst many others all working fine) for the Netherlands, the problem is it keeps swapping between the one I downloaded and the default one

I have searched my entire SDD for 784 and the only exact return is the one I downloaded. I even manually checked all the folders and sub folders for a duplicate logo and the config file, but there all ok.

So.. One logo, just one, on my SDD which works then doesnt.. examples below:

Anyone else had this issue and know of a work around.



Two: Is the one I have downloaded, and One is the one it keeps switching back to only on certain screens, Im guessing thats the default. It might not be a HUGE issue, but its driving me crazy and any help is most appreciated.
15 years ago
3 years ago
Really don't like doing this, but... bump..
18 years ago
6 years ago
Well i cant see your pics as I dont have your Google cloud password, but generally the Netherlands logo is a bit of a pain as they have their own licensing agreement with SI. It works fine in my pack, but you still cant have it facing the right way
15 years ago
3 years ago

The black one is the default, the whit the one I wanted to use as a replacement..
18 years ago
6 years ago
You need to open the config up and change the Netherlands and Gibraltar lines to this

<record from="214394" to="graphics/pictures/team/214394/logo"/>
<record from="784" to="graphics/pictures/team/784/logo"/>

This means though that all the other logos will not work as before, so put these 2 logos in a seperate folder (normal_2 say) and use the changed config - should go alright.
14 years ago
1 day ago
You need to open the config up and change the Netherlands and Gibraltar lines to this

<record from="214394" to="graphics/pictures/team/214394/logo"/>
<record from="784" to="graphics/pictures/team/784/logo"/>

This means though that all the other logos will not work as before, so put these 2 logos in a seperate folder (normal_2 say) and use the changed config - should go alright.

I still cant get this to work?

is your normal_2 folder next to your normal?

do they each have their own config?

does the normal_2 config just have the holland and gibraltar lines?
18 years ago
6 years ago
I still cant get this to work?

is your normal_2 folder next to your normal?

do they each have their own config?

does the normal_2 config just have the holland and gibraltar lines?

yes, yes and yes
12 years ago
6 hours ago
<record from="214394" to="graphics/pictures/team/214394/logo"/>
<record from="784" to="graphics/pictures/team/784/logo"/>

Isn't it simpler to just add the above lines to the config? No need for extra folders or duplicate logos. Or am I missing something?
15 years ago
3 years ago
You need to open the config up and change the Netherlands and Gibraltar lines to this

<record from="214394" to="graphics/pictures/team/214394/logo"/>
<record from="784" to="graphics/pictures/team/784/logo"/>

This means though that all the other logos will not work as before, so put these 2 logos in a seperate folder (normal_2 say) and use the changed config - should go alright.

12 years ago
6 hours ago
The only reason I can think of for having a second folder and config is if one intends to use FM Graphics Configurator or other similar config creator in the original folder (the manual modifications would be overwritten). Naturally one could also place the second config outside of the original folder (and reflect this in the file path within the new lines), in which case no second folder or duplicate logos would be needed.

Otherwise adding the new lines into the original config - while not changing anything else (ie retaining all the ”nation” lines that handle the logos) - is the more straightforward way to stop the Netherlands and Gibraltar logos from swapping between different versions.
18 years ago
6 years ago
Spot on again ducc, but it's the same with the assorted junior league logos - it just makes more work for yourself if you keep them all in one folder with one config as you constanlty have to manually add the lines and you know i'm too lazy to do that
12 years ago
6 hours ago
Laziness breeds efficiency!

I deemed changes to countries being rare enough to not warrant a separate config for the special cases, but I have the extra lines saved in a file so they can be easily found and pasted to their place if needed.
18 years ago
6 years ago
I'm hoping a robot will eventually be able to do my job for me then I can just sleep all day as well.

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